Chinese Short Story 中文小故事
Chinese Short Story 中文小故事
Ms.Hung 薇薇老师( 一位吃素的老師)

歡迎您買杯咖啡贊助我的頻道,您的幫助是我持續的動力!欢迎您买杯咖啡赞助我的频道,您的帮助是我持续的动力You are welcome to buy a cup of coffee and sponsor my channel. Your help is my continuous motivation!

Subscription Tiers


NT$ 66


歡迎您買杯咖啡贊助我的頻道,您的幫助是我持續的動力!欢迎您买杯咖啡赞助我的频道,您的帮助是我持续的动力!! You are welcome to buy a cup of coffee and sponsor my channel. Your help is my continuous motivation!

如果您對任何一單集有任何問題,想法、共鳴,甚至建議,都可以留言告訴我喔! / 如果您对任何一单集有任何问题,想法、共鸣,甚至建议,都可以留言告诉我喔!

If you have any questions, thoughts, resonance, or suggestions about any episode, you can leave a message. 

NT$ 66


NT$ 700

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