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00:01:00 節目開始 故事簡介
00:02:20 油麻菜籽 的寧仔
00:14:14 肉粽姨如何被狼父性侵的?
00:17:47 我要出國深造 8/15 後才會有節目 朋友 你們 安怎看ㄟ?
00:18:14 (後面都是廣告)
粉絲專頁 台南語 爽!Podcast
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人講 百行孝為先 父母養育我們孝順他們天公地道。
今天跟朋友分享的俚語 叫
一面是溝 一面是圳
形容 有理難評 左右為難的意思
蘇ㄟ 講乎你聽
今天的故事你若聽完,你們再留言給蘇ㄟ 若像這樣的父母是該孝順還是不該孝順?
海鳥自由自在的飛,天海ㄧ色,不過 寧仔 沒心看顧,專注在手頭欸工作,就是摸海瓜子,趁退潮,多摸一些。等一下挑去市場賣。山壁上的海鳥幼仔 億億叫. 休喘ㄟ時
寧仔摸了一下她的肚皮。 這是她的是第1次的懷孕.
阿珠姨在喊修:寧仔啊!那深拉! 湯來酷(酷=去:回來的意思 澎湖腔)
這位寧仔 這是肉粽姨的媽媽 嫁給許秀才的獨子 (阿去)
是人都知道。許秀才是鄉里的望族 一眼望去 都是他們家的土地 附近的農民要是沒有土地 就必須向他們承租土地來耕種 這許秀才 十分的精明 也相當的貪財 靠勢他秀才
只有他識字 正港的文化紅蟳 橫著走 脫褲圍海 很鴨霸
所以當地人 都叫許秀才 筆尾尖
這 許秀才的獨子 (阿去)仗著自己 家大業大 也是茶來伸手飯來張口
吃飯腳中央的!!!! 從來也不認真學習 連字都不會寫 這附近的人都知道也暗地裡笑他,老爸作秀才 養兒不認字!
許秀才家裡面的 出了名的了尾仔兒。附近的姑娘也沒有人有意願嫁他
後面許秀才拿了一筆錢 請媒婆 找到了 一戶正在缺錢 的親家的女兒 寧仔
Because啊 這個 (阿去)還有另外一層的身分 就是 職業賭徒。這 阿去 ㄚ從正月初一 賭到29眠 把大部份家產都輸了了 他老爸許秀才希望說讓阿去結婚後 當父親後 能不能有些責任感 好好振作起來 結果阿 去。那些賭債親像是拿水雞去填涵孔。怎麼填都不會滿的
許秀才時不時 奧惱自己 教子無 方 寵兒不孝 好險 入門ㄟ媳婦
寧仔看著 阿去 把所有家產都輸光了,心裡想 阿無 去高雄 好了
一來卡免的 阿去 去賭博 各來 聽講高雄的工作機會很多 總比在這裏坐吃山空的好
寧仔把 公公的後事 簡單辦一辦,就借故說高雄有親戚那能介紹工作,這 阿去 心中也想說 台灣 那裏 樂子一定比這裏多,倒也沒什麼反對意見⋯⋯一家三口也就移居到台灣了,這時 侯民國7年(接summer time)
來休一下 聽歌 進廣告
台灣光復了後,肉粽姨出世了,她媽媽寧仔一連生了12個小孩 夭折了六個,最後(含肉粽姨)剩6個。這阿去 猶完是吃飽七逃 花女人。家庭ㄟ重擔落在寧仔的挑頭,一個女人家透早去西子灣摸 海瓜子 割魚貨 去田裡拔菜 一路走 賣到小港 。
回到家 啞啞張口 每張口都要吃
順手把當日賣剩 剩菜 唔價魚仔煮水 配著番薯簽 吃 應糊 應糊辣
(把鍋子燒熱 下魚 下鹽 撒撒撒撒煮飯音效)
肉粽姨手指著番薯簽對她媽媽說:阿母⋯⋯咱們 攏吃這 我想賣吃白米好嗎?
寧仔:你祖媽就ㄟ吃、你抹吃 你以後看你誒雞賣命耶卡好未
昨日暝攪替整晚,睏未飽就天亮 寧仔在心裡想要不要去菜市場賣菜(阿。!要去黑影。不去吊鼎)還是起床⋯⋯
寧仔在菜市場,隔壁攤賣豬肉的慶仔說肝炎過世了,市場的三姑六婆就在講:可憐喔!七少年八少年就過世,放著一個某帶兩個小孩。 寧仔 靜靜的聽完,馬留下眼淚一句話也沒說,心裡想著:人死翁 會得人同情 我累 我累 溫厝那個死活人 生著是安內182公分 一才那大才 長的是相茂堂堂 每天就吃了米 沒在工作 有錢就花女人 沒路用的查普人 我的苦要跟誰講 真正 啞吧吃黃蓮 有苦難言啊!
寧仔實在是拿別人的棺柴 哭自己的目屎。
這摳 阿去 無良 擱不只這
有時候 口袋沒錢 袋彭芷 沒法度出門花女人ㄟ時,手就伸向自己的女兒,而且大小通吃,又有一天 阿去趁寧仔挑菜出門ㄟ時
女兒:阿爸 阿爸 阿!我不要辣
阿去:阿爸 疼一下
女兒:阿爸 阿爸 阿!我不要辣
女兒面如木呆 坐在屋角
阿去,一派輕鬆 出門 去蛇阿!
這日後雖然寧仔雖然發現了這些骯髒事情,卻也阻擋不了這頭禽獸,窮人的悲劇永遠不斷上演 直到大漢女兒出嫁,轉換對像而已⋯⋯
人講 天下間沒不是ㄟ爸母
朋友 你們 安怎看ㄟ?
如有雷同 純屬巧合
#moral dilemma #ethical dilemma #sexual abuse
Welcome to Su’s Podcast.
There’s a saying in most Asian countries, “filial piety is the most important virtues of all.” We show our respects to our parents and to people who are older than us. However, for people who are born poor, sometimes they don’t have a choice....
Today, I'm gonna talk about this proverb-Yi mian shi gou, yi mian shi zun, with Aunt Rouzhong’s story.
Yi mian shi gou, yi mian shi zun, is used to describe someone who is in a dilemma.
I’m inviting you guys to leave a comment or thoughts of whether you guys think Aunt Rouzhong should follow the filial piety.
(Here goes the story...)
Seagulls were soaring in the sky. Ning-ah focused on her job collecting sea melon seeds for selling them later at the market. She tried to collect more during the ebb tide.
Ning-ah touched her belly. This is her first kid.
Together with Ning-ah is Aunt Ah-zhu. Aunt Ah-zhu was shouting to Ning-ah. She’s getting far away from the coast. Aunt Ah-zhu wanted her to stay closer.
Ning-ah was Aunt Rouzhong’s mom. She married the only son of Xu Xiu-cai, Ah-qu.
Xu family was the prosperous family of the town. Everyone there knew them because most of the land was owned by the Xu family. If the villagers needed some farm land, most of the time, they’re gonna deal with the Xu family. Xu Xiu-cai is a businessman. He knew how to get the most profit out of these. He’s well-educated and smart. He’s self-assertive, and he’s obnoxious.
Ah-qu, took full advantage of being the son of Xu Xiu-cai. He didn’t need to work. And, he was not guilty at all using his dad’s money. He’s always the one who eats first. He didn’t like to study. He didn’t even know how to write. All villagers in town knew about this. They talked about him, laughed at him, when he’s not around. No girls in town wanted to marry him.
Xu Xiu-cai hired a matchmaker for his son. They found Ning-ah. Her family were really in need of money at that time. Xu Xiu-cai thought a marriage could make Ah-qu a more responsible man.
Actually, Ah-qu was an addicted gambler. He gambled day and night. He lost most of the family money. However, Xu Xiu-cai didn’t know that the money that Ah-qu owned was too significant to cover.
Xu Xiu-cai sometimes got upset with himself. Because of him, his son grew up spoiled. Luckily, he was happy that his daughter-in-law behaved better than he expected. Soon after his son's marriage, he passed away.
Ning-ah watched Ah-qu lose all the money. She thought maybe it’s time moving to Gaoxiong, Taiwan. One, for Ah-qu’s own sake. Taking him away from gambling life that he used to have. Two, for more job opportunities. It’s better than doing nothing, she thought to herself.
Ning-ah arranged a simple funeral for her father-in-law. She told Ah-qu that she got a job reference from a relative in Gaoxiong. They should move there, Ning-ah suggested. Ah-qu didn’t care much about the job, yet he agreed. Because he believed he’s gonna have much more fun if they moved to this new place, Taiwan.
They migrated to Taiwan in the 7th year of Mingguo, in the year of 1918.
After Japanese left Taiwan in 1945, that’s when Aunt Rouzhong was born. Ning-ah gave birth to 12 children, six died at a very young age. She’s got six children to raise, Aunt Rouzhong was one of them. Ah-qu lived up his life everyday. He didn’t care about the family. Ning-ah knew she had to take on the responsibilities. In the early morning, she had to be at the bay of Xi-zi, collecting sea melon seeds. Next, she harvested vegetables. And, she would carry this shoulder pole loaded with sea melon seeds and vegetables, selling them all the way to Xiaogang. Sometimes, she also bought batches of goods to sell for a better price at the Xiaogang market.
Ning-ah had a lot on her plate. She was dead tired. One night, she made a yam congee with fish and vegetables that weren’t sold that day.
Aunt Rouzhong pointed to the sweet potatoes, asking her mom,
Is this all we got? Can we have some rice? Some actual rice?
Ning-ah pinched her cheek hard. Ning-ah couldn’t hold her temper, and yelled, “Just eat it.”
That night, Ning-ah was tossing and turning the whole night. She didn’t feel like going to work the next day. However, the whole family relied on her, economically. Children would starve for nights if she didn’t work. She got up…
Her market neighbor, Qing-ah, who sold meat for living, died of lung cancer recently. People at the market were chit chatting....
“Poor Qing-ah… He died too young. God knows what’s gonna happen to his wife and his two children...”
Ning-ah was there listening. She had tears in her eyes. She had all these thoughts kept to herself...
People show sympathy towards a widow with children. And me? What about me? My husband is able-bodied. He’s born healthy, tall, and he looked neat. Nonetheless, he’s not working. If he gets any money, he spends it on girls. He’s useless. It’s been years, and I could only suffer in silence. I am helpless.
(Same time. At home.)
Things were worse. He was a monster. When he had no money to buy girls, he laid fingers on his own daughters. He took advantage of them when Ning-ah was not around.
“Let’s see what we’ve got here..”
“No, stop, I don’t want it...”
“No… No…”
Daughter wailed. She curled up her body, trembling in the corner of the house.
Later, even when Ning-ah found out about this, there was no way to stop this monster...
The story of the poor just went on and on...
Thank you for listening. This is Su’s Podcast.
This story is fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental.