▨ 蘇Ã▨台語廣播劇#驚世夫妻#妻奴系列#青瞑貓,拄著死鳥鼠#

台南語 爽!Podcast


Available Platforms






00:00:20 台南永康工業區阿宗的信
00:08:36 蘇ㄟ喬骨所
00:10:55 人講 夫妻床頭打 床尾
00:12:55 (後面都是廣告)

粉絲專頁 台南語 爽!Podcast




各位親愛的聽眾,今天蘇Ã收到ㄧ封台南永康工業區阿宗的信,是一個 ;青瞑貓,拄著死鳥鼠,青瞑雞,啄在阿朱姨誒脖子。的故事

阮家是在開工廠 我研究所讀完 吃幾年頭路,就回家幫忙了 想說父母馬有歲了 我ㄟ兄哥也沒接班的意思。雖然沒有大富大貴 不過日子過的也算是踏實 .

我現在的太太 是我讀研究所時認識的 我ㄧ直認為 有能力的男人 要讓身邊的女人幸福 是一個男人的基本。當然家中的經濟允許。
我和我太太交往時 後 我都讓她。出門有車 拜五電影 放假露營 吃飯邀請 。修理電腦 半夜消夜 繳錢有我 聽妳靠腰。
我們也結婚了 生了兩個小孩

自從有小孩後 我的太太經常抱怨著我 ㄧ開始 女人每個月事來,心情難免會有浮動 多順著她一點,一定是我那裡做不好
若我老婆若說:(都可以)—那種是女人的糾結 男人就要巴結。我都是這樣安慰著自己


昨日爸爸節 我們帶孩子去遊樂園 遊樂園裡有購票的展覽空間
我買票帶小孩進去 小孩就是 (手颺)注1那裡安份 一下就跑不見。我就想說
反正 我的小孩也跑不出去



阿宗:可能去找姐姐啦! 不會跑遠辣!這買票的累! 跑不出去辣!老婆 坐辣!

秀華:坐 就知道湯 坐 火大 你是木頭,你就親像你老北。沒路用的垃圾!你為何不去死一死 去找辣!


後來 我們在車上還是吵了一架









秀華:沒用的男人 (出門摔門)

蘇大哥!人講作著歹田望後冬,娶著歹某一世人。 我的婚姻 已經沒有任何希望了

她對我說了 好多 難 聽的話

說什麼我就靠著家裡有錢 我是媽寶 雖然是我家的工廠工作

我在家上班 又不是在當少爺,家中的開銷 水費電費瓦斯費數都是我去繳納

回家拖地 洗衣 家事 整理玩具 我也一手包辦。 我太太每天就有懷疑我外面有外遇

有時候回娘家 我太太還和我岳母一起你一言我一句的數落我

我除了在工作 就是在家裡帶小孩


我有時不過就是去倒垃圾想要去菜市場買些新鮮的魚貨晚上煮給你們吃不是嗎? 30分鐘就打一次電話


每個禮拜都要出門 出門要開車 我也只不過希望讓你們坐得舒服一點


這是愛 還是折磨




我的信用卡你都給你刷 出門都我結帳 難道真的還不夠嗎?

最近你說我們的婚姻走下去不下去 開口跟我要 一個孩子6,百萬兩個孩子1千2百萬

天吶我的月薪50,000。 你是在摃盼仔
嗎 你一個月才賺兩萬塊

我又沒有外遇 我全心全意在這個家

愛著你 愛著我們的女兒 愛著這個家




把我的踩臉在土腳 你還給我摩擦

我要的不多 老婆我有一個就可以了 好好的生活在一起 我就很滿足了

為什麼我的婚姻 會走到沒有任何希望呢?

人家都叫我某奴 妻管嚴 不過男生女生不是應該互相尊重嗎?









我有一味祖傳三代的漢藥方,尬著我蘇ㄟ喬骨ㄟ功夫,人講打斷手骨顛倒勇,骨若斷掉,治療這 最好方法 就是參照我個人研究50年的X平方治癒法 比如說 手骨若斷 一支 我就要折斷一支腳骨 斷一位 我就凹斷二位 斷越多我折越多
治療效果 不是我累噴ㄟ!
每支被我喬過的骨都 碎碎碎 疏疏疏。沒斷的也給你凹尬open fracture

若腳頭烏 關節酸痛 壞彎翹 我有一支 苛性鈉 注在關節內 乎你 Patella 溶尬 肩甲頭
化骨的效果是 百分之六百幾

馬上給您 超級滑溜的關節 速度提昇 爬高 用抬 下階 用滾

來 住址在 火車頭 後站 左手邊 第三棵 榕樹下

蘇ㄟ 喬骨所


人講 夫妻床頭打 床尾 和 現在的人 是 車門開 打到車門關

這對夫妻的情況也就是有尪某名無尪某行。 兩個人想法立場都不同了


今日蘇ㄟ沒有要戰男女,不過婚姻當中 兩性互助 家庭才有壯大的根基 男方應當負起責任和夢想 女方也不能只知道愛美跟傻笑

都 睏破三領草蓆,心肝掠不會著。

這封信中主要內容都是阿宗你的觀點 你的立場。而且清官難斷家務事,

只能說 在婚姻當中 秀華講一個小孩6百 2個小孩 1千2萬 這個明顯是拿小孩當籌碼 Kōshō chippu

利用小孩 達到大人的目地,這點 我認爲卡沒必要。一下子開口1200萬 錢這麼好賺喔 !現在真正去綁票都拿不到那麽多辣!講這個話 太沒感情了

蘇ㄟ知 我在空中都有看見。你的故事會被看見 你的心聲會聽見。 我會對你一路陪伴。你需要幫忙時。沒一定有我

做生無生才,做丑無詼諧,舉旗軍驚人刣 哈哈講笑拉!

手颺)注1. 小孩調皮的意思

Time frame

00:00:20 A letter from ĀZōng in Yongkang industrial area

00:08:36 Suà Osteopathic Clinic

00:10:55 As they say, couple’s quarrel is soon mended

00:12:55 AD time


Dramatic couple series

Dear audience friends, here we got a letter from ĀZōng in Yongkang industrial area. It’s a story about lucky guys - blind cat meets dead mouse.

My families are running a factory for years. After I finished master program and few years job, I came back to my family’s factory and helped running business. Not only because my parents are getting older, but my elder brother has no willing in factory. Life here is normally satisfied although with no big fortunes.

I met my wife during my graduated college. I realized it’s the most basic that a good man should fulfill the happiness for that woman besides him, upon the man’s economic level of course.

So when I hang out with my wife, I gave all my best – outside driving, Friday movie watching, holiday camping, and dinner inviting. Computer fixing, midnight snack offering, and bill paying count on me.

Later we got married and have two kids now.

After children born, wife complained about me often. In the beginning, I thought it must because women’s monthlies made she uncomfortable. It must be my fault so I should obey her more.

If wife said “IT’S OK LA~” -This woman must debating something, so man like me should suffering- this is how I persuade myself.

Till recent days…

It was Father’s day yesterday; we went to theme park with kids. I bought tickets and entered the exhibition area with my children. Young kids are so “Chiuchēn”*1 that they can’t stay cool. They disappeared in short time. But I thought she must go for her sister, they cannot leave the exhibition area anyway.

**Theme park sound effect**

Hsiuhua: ĀZōng! Where are our children? What a useless father you are! Are you bonehead!?

ĀZōng: She might go for her sister and is in nearby! She cannot leave this area without ticket. Come have a sit my dear wife~.

Hsiuhua: Sit!? The only things you know is just sit? My gosh you the bonehead! You are such useless garbage just like your father. Go to hell!
Go find out our kids now!
(Turns to ĀZōng and stares at him)

ĀZōng: Is it necessary you talk to me in such angry tones?

Later we argued in the car and I got an unforgettable Father’s Day.

At the end.

「If there is no other special plan, I just drive wife and kids back to wife’s home.」
On the next day, wake up in early morning.

Hsiuhua: Are you sleeping enough yet? Drive me back to Gangshan!

Hsiuhua: Are you ready to go yet?

ĀZōng: What the…?

Hsiuhua: You said I was in bad tones, now I let you know about the real bad tones!

ĀZōng: Fine! You go back yourself.

Hsiuhua: Useless man! (Went out and slammed the door)

Suà dude, people say poor harvest this year you may still expect next season, but bad wife is my whole lifetime. I didn't get any hope about my marriage.
She said so many bad words to me.
Such as I just count on my family’s fortune, and I am a mama’s boy. Though I worked for my family’s factory, but I still work very hard everyday. I work with family but not being a young master. I paid all the bills for water, electric, gasoline, etc.…

After off work, I also mopped, washed clothes, sorted the toys out, etc.…. But my wife always has suspicious about I have affair with other woman. Sometimes when I went back to wife’s home, she scolded me about my faults with her mother.

Besides working, I only take care our kid at home. But she still complaint I went out often. Sometimes I just took out the trash, then went to market for some fresh fish for dinner, didn’t I? She called me once per 30 minutes!

About I enjoy car tuning.
We drive out every weeks, I just wish you had more comfortable seats. These are all you may enjoy during our trip, right?

I cannot tell is this love, or is torture?

I am just like living in the bitter melon farm, having bitter melon soup for all meals.

My parents bought a NT$ 10 million house for our home, so we didn't have to pay the loan. You went shopping with my credit cards, and I pay while we go out. Were these not satisfied you?

Recently you said our marriage is not able to go on anymore. You want to have 6 million dollars for one kid, 12 million dollars for both kids.

My salary is just 50K per month, how did you think I can afford this?
Your salary is 20K per month, I paid for all the expense, and I put all my love in our family. I didn’t have any affair with other woman.
I love you; love our daughters, as well as this family.
I drive them out for travelling everywhere, every week. I hope this may give them a good memory of childhood. What I did wrong?

My wife said there is not any hope to be with me. But I just wish I could give them a home, just a home, a warm home; a place you may come back and relax.

You did such insult to me. Not only stamp my face on the floor, but also rub it.
I don't want much, just one wife, living together normally. I’ll be satisfied for these.
I don’t know why my marriage becomes no hope.
People call me slave of wife, hen-pecked husband. But isn’t it normal that man and woman respect for each other?

Following Ads…………

Suà Osteopathic Clinic

No matter you are

Car accident injured,

Sport injured,

Ball play injured,

Stiff neck or lumbar sprain,

Fatigue damaged.

I got a secret script running for three generation, along with my osteopathic treatment. They said you would become stronger after broken hand cured. If you got bone broken, the best curing method is the X-square osteopathic, which I research personally for 50 years. For example, to cure one broken hand I broke a leg. Cure one injury I make two other injuries, more sites of injury I make more.

The effect is far good beyond my boast!

The each bone I cured is splintering to chips, the bone is not broken I make it open fracture.

By the way if you got knee joint pain and hard to band the joint. I can give you one shot of caustic soda at the joint. This would make you dissolve from patella to shoulder. The dissolution rate is more than 600%!
Give you a super-slippery joint immediately. Speedup! Raise while climbing, roll while stepping down!

The clinic address is under the third banyan, left side of back station.
Telephone No.: (06) 056-8504

Suà Osteopathic Clinic

Following Music…

As they say, couple’s quarrel is soon mended, but recently couple fights from door open to close.
The situation of this couple is only got the name of spouses but without any reality of husband and wife. The thoughts and stands between them are totally different.

In present day, femininity awareness rising, it’s highly expected that to be a confidential pal.

Suà doesn’t want to argue for man and woman, but during the marriage, the family is strong basement under man and woman helps each other. Man should take the responsibility and dreams; woman should aware more than being beautiful and just smiling.

Couple with long living life but doesn’t realize each other.

The letter from ĀZōng is mainly from your point of view, but this is just your family affair.
The only I can say is, when Hsiuhua asked 6M for one kid, 12M for 2 kids. Obviously she just takes children to be negotiation chips.

I think it's really not necessary using children to reach adults’ goal. It’s just like easy money by asking 12M. You cannot get paid so much if you even do kidnapping! Said these words are emotionless.

ĀZōng is doing a hard but thankless job.

Suà know, I’m watching on the air. Your story will be known, and your aspirations will be heard. Just remember, I will accompany with you all the way. But when you need help, I will not always be there.
One is not performs one’s own function. Just kidding!


如有雷同 純屬巧合
