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#演化論 #英國 #基督教
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Altholz, Josef L. Anatomy of a controversy: the debate over Essays and reviews, 1860-1864. London: Routledge, 1994.
Bebbington, David W. Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Brooke, John Hedley. Science and religion: Some historical perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Brock, W. H., Macleod, R. M. “The Scientists' Declaration: Reflexions on Science and Belief in the Wake of ‘Essays and Reviews,’ 1864-5,” The British Journal for the History of Science, vol. 9, no. 1 Mar 1976.
Catherine Hall, White. Male and Middle Class: Explorations in Feminism and History, London: Polity Press, 1991.
Clayton Roberts, David Roberts著,賈士蘅譯,《英國史 下冊》,臺北:五南圖書,1986。
Davies, Merryl Wyn著,王道還譯,《達爾文與基本教義派》,台北:果實出版社,2003。
Ellis, Ieuan. Seven against Christ: a study of ‘essays and reviews’. London: E. J. Brill, 1994.
Harris, Jose. Private Lives, Public Spirits: A Social History of Britain, 1870-1914. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
J. Larson, Edward著,陳恒安譯,《雀鳥、果蠅與上帝:演化論的歷史》,新北:左岸文化,2005。
Jowett, Benjamin. Essays and reviews. London: John W. Parker and Son, 1860.
Livingstone, David N., Darryl G. Hart, and Mark A. Noll, eds. Evangelicals and science in historical perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Lucas, John Randolph. “Wilberforce and Huxley: a Legendary Encounter,” The Historical Journal, vol. 22, no. 2, June 1979.
O' Connor, Ralph, "Young-earth creationists in early nineteenth-century Britain? Towards a reassessment of ‘Scriptural Geology’," History of Science, vol. 45, no. 4, 2007.
Parsons, Gerald. "Reform, revival and realignment: the experience of Victorian Anglicanism," in Gerald Parsons, ed., Religion in Victorian Britain: Volume 1 Traditions. Manchester: Manchester University, 1988.
Rudnick, M. J. S. "The emergence of a visual language for geological science," History of science, vol. 14, no. 3, 1976.
Shea, Victor, Whitla, William, eds. Victorian Literature: An Anthology, Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
Steinbach, Susie L. Understanding The Victorians: Politics, Culture and Society in Nineteenth-Century Britain, London: Routledge, 2012.
W. C. 丹皮爾著,李珩譯,《科學史及其與哲學和宗教的關係》,台北:明文,1992。





Hui-Ting Cheng、我愛台灣!!!不爽憋著!!!、浩文、蔡桐奇
匿名捐款、L XYZ、Blorian、陳尚恩、胡瑋凡、李昕迪
Chia-Hung Liu、Polya Yang、張宜禎、江小甲、ann liu
C.A. Lee、建中黃、Kuan-Yi Lin、Julia Lee、mumu
Wu Pin-Ying、Sion Ein、劉威成、Airos Chiu、堅定罷韓
Roots Ko、Rene S、赤炎、Ambrose Qiu、WY LO
Hong Raph、Yue Li、J. L、May Huang、Chu OD
CYang H、ChunChieh Chang、seeking Wayne
jinziling77、月下浪子、Ben、柯孟廷、Baillie Tsai
謝至中、Roy Li、柯喜翔、阿靜、Chenyijie Ellie
Anony Ydooc、BB AA、何暐楨、hwe1007、Joan Pan
ewigkeitor liu、黃春生、菀熒塋、王稟荃、Wu Cake
carlos lan、徐銘佑、李振岳、L XYZ、W W、flying lai

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