EP118 | 5 分鐘補血 #南韓也有中秋節 #自來水藏有殺人微生物 #北極撒玻璃 #美塞美塞 #瑞士有待觀察 | 聽新聞學英文



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1 【Swiss 瑞士的】— 形容詞
Nearly 62% of Swiss voters wanted to keep free movement.

2 【martial law 戒嚴;軍法】— 名詞
Martial law has been declared in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

3 【microbe 微生物】— 名詞
A deadly brain-eating microbe was found in Texas water supply.

4 【desperate 孤注一擲;絕望的】— 形容詞
This is a desperate measure for delaying the melting of the ice.

5 【Chuseok 南韓中秋節】— 名詞
The operation time of public transport in Seoul will be extended to 2 a.m. for the upcoming Chuseok holiday.


1)Swiss 瑞士的
2)martial law 戒嚴;軍法
3)microbe 微生物
4) desperate 孤注一擲的
5)Chuseok 南韓中秋節