MIA 70 Rising Personalities on LinkedIn in Malaysia 2020 (1 August 2020)
Dini Tajudin is an experienced marketeer specialising in Branding and e-commerce with go-to-market strategies immediately applicable in the Malaysia Market -Marketing In Asia
In this Personal Branding Masterclass she will guide you Step-by-Step through the Strategy Framework & Tactics proven to help your online branding. She will show you:
1.Gain confidence online
2.How to find your ideal target market
3.How to stand out from the crowd and get your ideal audience to SEE YOU
4.What to say & When to say it to PULL your ideal audience in to listen to you
5.Build trust and AUTHORITY online
6.Get quality followers that support, TRUST & love you
SIGN UP NOW. Limited to 50 pax
https://bit.ly/diniflix-en https://bit.ly/diniflix-bm https://open.firstory.me/join/startup