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1【insurance 保險】— 名詞(重音在第二個音節)
Most food delivery drivers are not covered by labor insurance in Taiwan.
2 【deplore 批評】— 動詞(正式用語)
About 190,000 people deplore the French government’s decision to close bookshops.
3【pan- 一體的】— 字首
Ethiopian Prime Minister’s drive for “pan-Ethiopianism” has drawn strong criticism against his leadership.
4【ecocide 嚴重破壞生態】— 名詞
European leaders are calling for ecocide to be recognized as a crime.
5 【exercise 行使權利】— 動詞
Everyone should be able to exercise their freedom of speech.
1)insurance 保險
2)deplore 批評
3)pan- 一體的
4)ecocide 嚴重破壞生態
5)exercise 行使權利