EP4 | 真的只會畫瓶罐嗎? 義大利畫家喬治·莫蘭迪Giorgio Morandi



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這一集藝術宅要介紹一位20世紀重要的義大利藝術家-喬治・莫蘭迪 (Giorgio Morandi,1890-1964),如同他作品中帶有靜謐、孤寂的感覺,莫蘭迪很少與外界接觸,甚至是離開家鄉波隆那,大部分的時間都在工作室中,專注於他的創作。莫蘭迪以靜物畫聞名,畫中描繪的主角都是工作室裡的瓶罐,也因此被人戲稱為瓶罐畫家。


In this episode, we would like to introduce the Italian artist Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964), who has been considered as an icon of 20th-century art. During his lifetime, Morandi spent most of the time depicting generic household objects in his studio. He was fascinated by the way these objects were represented. However, not everyone appreciates the tranquility in Morandi's work; the American art critic Clement Greenberg (1909-1994) once said that "he's just a bottle painter.”

Want to know more about Morandi and his art? Listen to our latest episode in Apple podcast or Spotify for more details😊