你聽得懂的全英文新聞 podcast | 試聽集 | 賓狗單字 X 嘖嘖訂閱 | EP160



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哈囉我是賓狗,一起來聽新聞學英文吧!你想聽懂全英文的國際新聞嗎?推薦你從 Bingo News Podcast 開始!

Bingo News Podcast 是賓狗整理的全英文國際新聞,會用簡單直白的語言、緩慢的語速,全英文播報國際新聞給你聽。如果你想要提升聽力,但是又害怕全英文節目,Bingo News Podcast 會是你最好的選擇,難易適中喔!

要怎麼聽到 Bingo News Podcast 呢?只要來嘖嘖訂閱,每天贊助賓狗不到 4 元,每月就有兩集 Bingo News Podcast 可以重複、重複練習喔!而且如果訂閱後發現不適合,隨時可以退訂,可以安心來訂閱逛逛~

現在就先讓小星星試聽 11 月底的 Bingo News Podcast 節錄片段吧!

1 Peru’s Youth-Led Protests

Young people are taking to the streets to protest against Peru’s Congress. Peru’s Congress accused the nation’s president of corruption without sufficient proof. 

This is not the first time that the Congress ousts a president without due process of law. Young people cannot accept the turbulent politics anymore. This time, they will make their voices heard, and support the ousted president.

2 Zoom Boom

The pandemic has hit the global economy hard. However, Asian economies are leading the way when it comes recovery, thanks to the “Zoom boom”.

What is “Zoom boom”? To put it simply, remote work has triggered the demand for electronic devices. More people are working from home due to the pandemic, and many are using “Zoom” to communicate with colleagues. It’s only natural for people to upgrade their electronic devices when they have to spend so much time videoconferencing.

But, how does that lead to better economic recovery in Asia? Asian economies are among the largest producers of electronics. A rise in demand has certainly helped drive economic growth.

3 Virtual Christmas Parties

The holiday season is here! Usually, people travel to places and visit their friends and families during the holidays. However, the pandemic has made it risky to travel and gather with friends and family members.

As a result, health officials advise families not to hold in-person events with multiple households. Instead, connect with families through virtual gatherings. It’s definitely inconvenient, but maybe we’ll see some creative ways of celebration this year.

恭喜你,試聽了一集 Bingo News Podcast 的節錄片段!Bingo News Podcast 可以拿來做影子跟讀,逐字稿還可以用來分析短句與搭配詞喔,提升你的口說與寫作實力喔!趕快搜尋「嘖嘖 賓狗」,或是到節目資訊欄中,也有傳送門喔!謝謝收聽,我們嘖嘖頁面見!