Interview #7 Mark Sylvester- How to use Storytelling in Professional Applications (Trailer)

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Interview #7 Mark Sylvester- How to use Storytelling in Professional Applications

In 2003, Mark Sylvester helped create the first social network for the TED Conference. Mark's been on the leading edge of software development for more than thirty years. Mark helped develop 3D animation software known as Maya, which revolutionized the way the world is entertained. Working with major studios, he introduced the world to computer-generated animation and received many accolades - including several Sci-Tech awards and an Oscar.

As the host of the Hacking the Red Circle Podcast and Executive Producer of TEDxSantaBarbara, Mark is continually looking for 'Ideas Worth Spreading.' Mark gave his first TED Talk at TEDxFargo in 2018 called "See What You Think."

Mark is the Showrunner, Host and Executive Producer of ten podcasts including a new form of audio education called a PodClass, being developed with California Lutheran University's School of Management.

Mark focuses on using strategic storytelling to help brands and organizations develop communications to powerfully connect them with audiences.