Episode 4 - Marcus, Charlie, and Travis

L7 Podcast


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上週剛測完CrossFit Open 21.2,這集輕鬆一下來聊個天,緩和大家備戰21.3的緊張情緒。這次請到已經有參加Open七次經驗的Travis,以及我們巴克斯兩位都是第一次參加Open的Marcus和Charlie。我們從他們一開始對CrossFit的印象,談到現在做Open的感想。最後也聊到他們兩個如何用不同的方式邁向相同的目標。快來聽聽我們早上七點的團體課有多好玩吧!

CrossFit Open in-between-isode, having just wrapped up 21.2 and getting ready for 21.3. Today we have Travis, who's participating in his 7th CrossFit Open. Marcus and Charlie are both relatively new to the sport, both participating in their first CrossFit Open. We chat about their impressions of CrossFit, the Open, and how different but similar they are in their journey to improvement. Join our 7am group class chit-chat!
