誘餌效應(Decoy Effect ) ,又被稱為不對稱支配效應(asymmetrical dominance effect) 這是一種時常發生在購買場景下的認知偏誤,指的是比起只有兩個選項的情境,當第三個誘餌選項加入後,大多數消費者的偏好會發生明顯的改變,會有更多人選擇原來較昂貴或是利潤較高的選項。
1. 誘餌效應的經典案例
2. 關於誘餌效應的有趣研究
3. 誘餌效應在行銷上面的應用,以及五個設計步驟
#行銷心理學 #行銷科學 #定價策略 #誘餌效應
1. Decoy Effect https://www.crowdspring.com/marketing-psychology/decoy-effect/
2. Huber, J., Payne, J. W., and Puto, C. 1982. Adding asymmetrically dominated alternatives: violations of regularity and the similarity hypothesis.
3. Paris, B. 2011. The decoy effect and investors’ stock preferences.
4. Hedgcock, W. 2009. Could ralph Nader’s entrance and exit have helped Al Gore? The impact of decoy dynamics on consumer choice.
5. Pros. Dan Ariely. Predictably Irrational: The hidden forces that shape our decisions