Episode 5 - Ben & Travis

L7 Podcast


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今天訪談的對象是Ben跟Travis教練。Ben是透過他們公司和L7 巴克斯合作的關係接觸到CrossFit。我們聊到CrossFit如何改變了Ben的生活,以及這個合作從把同事帶到健身房進化到把健身房帶回辦公室裡面。快來聽聽這個企業班的進化過程,以及未來會有什麼樣的成長

Sat down today with Ben and Coach Travis. Ben was first introduced to CrossFit through a partnership between the company he works for and L7 Ba Ke Si. We talk about how CrossFit has changed Bens' life in this conversation. From starting with the program bringing the office to the gym, he has now helped bring the gym into the office. Listen in to see the evolution of this program and what it holds for us in the future!
