各位親愛的聽眾大家好! 歡迎來到不才的頻道! 本頻道也是唱歌頻道,唱的是中文歌,另外如果每個單集時間允許,我會盡微薄致力教簡單中文! 如果喜歡頻道內容,您的分享、訂閱,及撥冗收聽就是對不才最大支持! 感恩才最大支持! 感恩!
Hi ! Welcome to my new channel of Corona Karaoke series ! On this particular channel , I 'd sing Chinese songs and if/ when time permits within one episode, I'll try to teach some very basic Chinese! I hope you like my show, if so, feel free to share, subscribe and most importantly stay tuned! Cheers!