S2E1 (English) Find your own “Conqueror’s Haki” |《最聽話的人最先被淘汰》

阮員外說書 Max.J Story


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Good morning, the world. This is Max Juan speaking from Taiwan. This is the episode eleventh on my PODCAST channel Taiwanese storyteller, but it’s a brand new episode in English. This PODCAST channel is called 台意人,it’s Taiwanese, In English, it’s called Taiwanese Storyteller, which means I talk about books and stories in Taiwanese. I have already spoken ten episodes in Taiwanese.

早安,全世界!我是來自台灣的麥克斯軟。這是 PODCAST 頻道「台意人」的第 11 集。但它是全新的英文集數。這個 PODCAST 頻道叫「台意人」,是用台語發音,英文叫 「台灣說書人」,意思是我用台語講書和說故事。我已經用台語講10集了。

The eleventh episode is in English, which I translated the first episode of the Taiwanese version into English. The twelfth episode will be a new Taiwanese version. The thirteenth episode will be the translation of the second episode of the Taiwanese version, and the fourteenth episode is a new Taiwanese version. In one word, Taiwanese and English will be played in turn. The Taiwanese version will be ten episodes ahead of the English version. If you want to listen to the latest version, please go to learn Taiwanese. Ok? A new episode will be played every Sunday morning in Taiwan.  


Why would I do a Taiwanese and English bilingual podcast channel? Because I really believe that Taiwan’s culture can absorb the knowledge of the world, then transform it into its own knowledge, and then contribute to the whole world, with a spirit of continuous experimentation and innovation. The books and stories I tell are not only from Taiwan but also from other cultures. Say for example, the author to be introduced today is a Japanese, ほりえたかふみ.


The book, as I translate from Chinese, is called "The Most Obedient People Are Eliminated First”. ほりえたかふみ is known as Japanese Bill Gates, he is a little controversial in Japan. He seems to have been in jail, and he also founded an Internet company and has registered for the election. This is what I saw on Wikipedia, but I think he encouraged young Japanese entrepreneurs. This book is pretty good, here I will only talk about 2 points.


The first point is 渾然忘我,what is 渾然忘我? It’s Taiwanese. In English, I think the best translation is "Flow State". Let me tell you about the flow state first, flow state is the sense of fluidity between your body and mind, where you are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction. Time feels like it has slowed down. Your senses are heightened. Some people describe this feeling as being “in the zone.”


This is the flow state and it’s accessible to everyone, whether you’re engaged in physical activity, a creative pursuit, or even a simple day-to-day task. For example, if you want to be a YouTuber, be a football player, be a musician, even if you just want to enjoy delicious food. No worries, just go ahead, enjoy and focus on it. You don’t have to think about whether there is any way to make money, will this bring you benefits or reputation. Instead, what you should think about is whether it can be playing, learning, and working simultaneously.

這是心流狀態,每個人都可以使用,無論您是從事體育活動、創意活動,還是簡單的日常瑣事。例如,如果您想成為 YouTuber 、足球運動員、音樂家,即使您只想享受美食。別擔心,繼續前進,享受並專注於它。你不用去想這是否可以賺錢,這會給你帶來什麼好處還是名聲。相反的,您應該考慮的是它是否可以同時玩樂、學習和工作。

These three things can become a cycle. For example, the author mentioned that he has made a gourmet app. When he was young, he didn't expect to develop an app one day. How do you know what kind of technology will be in the future? He is a foodie, just like Max Juan. He really enjoys delicious food, but he doesn’t have time to go to every restaurant to taste, so he read the information of food critics, and then developed an App that integrates food critics. Just that simple.

這三件事可以成為一個循環。比如作者提到自己做了一個美食App。年輕時,他沒想到有一天會開發出一款應用程式。你怎麼知道未來會出現什麼樣的技術?他是個美食家,就像麥克斯軟 一樣。他真的很喜歡美食,但他沒有時間去每家餐廳品嚐,所以他閱讀了美食評論家的信息,然後開發了一款整合美食評論的應用程序,就是這麼簡單而已。

Nowadays, you don’t have to develop an App by yourself, you can just provide an idea, and ask others to develop it, or you can learn from an online teaching platform. You can have your own business. In the online world, there are a lot of resources that can be gained from the Internet. In fact, you can achieve anything you want.


The second point is to find your own “Conqueror’s Haki”. Conqueror’s Haki is from a very famous comic book “One Piece”. Actually, ほりえたかふみ didn’t mention “Conqueror’s Haki”. Max Juan combine his idea with One Piece. In One Piece, there is a powerful and unique skill which is called the “Conqueror’s Haki”. When it appears, everyone was shocked and frighten. The “Conqueror’s Haki” is the only one can learn in one million people. In the era of globalization, it is best for everyone to be able to use “Conqueror’s Haki”.

第二點是找到屬於自己的「霸王色霸氣」。「霸王色霸氣」來自一本非常著名的漫畫書《航海王》。實際上,堀江貴文並沒有提到「霸王色霸氣」。麥克斯軟將他的想法與《航海王》結合起來。在《航海王》中,有一種強大而獨特的技能,叫做「霸王色霸氣」。當它出現時,所有人都感到震驚和恐懼。 「霸王色霸氣」是一百萬人中只有一個人可以學會的。全球化時代,最好是人人都能使用「霸王色霸氣」。

Why? Because many jobs in the future will be replaced by machines or robots, and the global competition will become more and more fierce in the future, so how do you find your own “Conqueror’s Haki”? It’s very easy, one-millionth is equal to 3 one-hundredths multiplied. According to this book, the author recommends that everyone find their own three features, three features that only one percent of people have.


For example, in Japan, there is a high school girl who is very good at singing, participates in many singing competitions, and she can play Thai Boxing. These three labels: high school girl, participate in singing competitions, play Thai Boxing, such people may be more special than a government employee with a car driver’s license and master degree. Max Juan is here to strengthen this concept. To show you that Taiwan can help, if it’s not enough to be one in a million people, let’s become one in 100 million people. But how? One hundred millionths is equal to 4 one-hundredths multiplied.

比如在日本,就有一個很會唱歌的高中女生,參加過很多歌唱比賽,還會打泰拳。這三個標籤:女高中生、參加歌唱比賽、打泰拳,這樣的人可能比擁有汽車駕駛執照和碩士學位的公務員更特殊。 Max Juan 在這裡強化了這個概念。為了向你們展示台灣可以提供幫助,如果成為百萬分之一還不夠,那就讓我們成為一億分之一吧。但是怎麼做?百萬分之一等於 4 個百分之一相乘。

Take Max Juan for example, Max Juan graduate from National Taiwan university and National Chengchi university, and I am also a podcaster, and I speak Taiwanese well in the younger generation, and last, I translate Taiwanese channel into an English version. So I am now one in 100 million people. Just that easy, right?


Let’s summarize this book, the author wrote this book because he wanted to write to people who want to do something but "can not do it now". The author’s suggestion is, if you want to start a business, just do it, ok. If you want to resign, just resign immediately now! Do not hesitate anymore. If it’s still difficult to you, use the skills this book provides. As long as you use the flow state and “Conqueror’s Haki” you can achieve everything you want.


Thank you for listening, and I wish you all happiness and earn a lot of money. Meet you on the air next time. Bye-bye.


前奏用音樂: Re:PLAY 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語, Jinbo
編曲: terrytyelee
作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語, Jinbo, Elin Lee
製作: terrytyelee
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/NsfoFY?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library
