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Although there were unfavorable factors in the upstream raw material price increase in the first quarter of this year, Taiwan Optoelectronics, Lianmao and Tenghui-KY performed well due to product mix optimization. Among them, Taiwan Optoelectronics was adopted by international manufacturers due to high-end HDI and shipments were quarterly. Significant growth, coupled with increasing demand for 5G mobile phones, the first quarter after-tax surplus was 965 million yuan, a record high for the same period in the previous year, with a surplus of 2.89 yuan per share; cumulative consolidated revenue for the first five months was 14.175 billion yuan, an annual growth of 39.47% .

As new projects with high-speed and low-loss materials continue to be mass-produced and shipped, and the 5G mobile phone market has grown significantly, coupled with the upgrade demand for HDI boards for high-end laptops and high-end tablets based on ARM architecture, the production capacity of Taiwan Optoelectronics has increased by nearly 20% compared with last year. Supply is still in short supply, and the increase in cost after the soaring of raw material prices is gradually reflected in the selling prices in the second and third quarters.

Taiwan Optoelectronics estimates that the first quarter is the low point of this year’s operations, and the overall operation is expected to rise quarter by quarter to the fourth quarter. In the third quarter, the gross profit margin in the second quarter should increase significantly, and future revenue and profit will grow more significantly.

At present, the monthly production capacity of Taiwan's Guanyin Plant/Hsinchu Plant is about 650,000 pieces, the Kunshan plant in mainland China produces 1.35 million pieces per month, the Zhongshan plant produces 950,000 pieces per month, and the Huangshi plant produces 600,000 pieces per month. In the third quarter, the Kunshan plant will increase its monthly output to 1.65 million pieces, and the Huangshi plant is expected to increase to 900,000 pieces in the second quarter of 111. By then, Taiguang's total production capacity will reach 4.15 million pieces to meet future operational needs.

Benefited from the robust demand for automotive and high-speed materials, and the optimization of the product portfolio, Tenghui-KY's first quarter consolidated gross profit margin was 33%, after-tax surplus was 192 million yuan, both hit a record high in a single quarter, with earnings per share of 2.72 yuan , Second only to Taiwan Optoelectronics, ranked second in the copper foil substrate factory; cumulative consolidated revenue for the first 5 months was 2.972 billion yuan, an annual growth of 38.7%.

In the automotive sector, Zhong Jianren, general manager of Tenghui-KY, said that due to the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles in various countries, the explicit carbon emission regulations in Europe and the extension of China’s new energy vehicle subsidy policy, and the significant reduction in battery costs, plus Supporting policies to increase the proportion of public charging piles has boosted the demand for electric vehicles. According to the International Energy Agency's IEA, the stock of electric vehicles will increase from 10 million in 2020 to 145 million in 2030. If the government actively promotes it, it will even reach 230 million.

This brings huge business opportunities to heat dissipation materials. Tenghui has deployed heat dissipation products in the automotive and electric vehicle markets for many years. Its brand awareness and market rate are the highest in its peers. It has not only become the world's largest supplier of heat dissipation materials for automotive headlights, but also electric vehicles. Vehicle heat dissipation applications such as inverter inverters, battery car chargers OBC, etc. have also achieved a leading position, and are expected to become beneficiaries of the growth trend of electric vehicles. It is estimated that the revenue of automotive products this year is expected to increase by 40% to 50% annually.

We are optimistic that 5G, AI, Internet of Things, cloud, etc. are all mainstream technology trends. In addition to the market share of Tenghui-KY's existing niche products, the market share is expected to continue to increase. Under the strategy of developing diversified product lines, the company has successively launched a variety of military aerospace ,

5G communications, radar, semiconductor and heat dissipation applications, new models of products, high-end products such as: Teflon substrates for long-range radar detection and resin materials for semiconductor packaging applications are successively tested by various end customers, and it is expected to cut into the carrier board in the future. The application of high-end electronic materials has become a new driving force for revenue and profit growth








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