(Eng) Industrial Revolution- Invest Taiwan Tech 6415 矽力



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In the post-epidemic era, the global economy was unblocked. The demand for LED lighting recovered in the first half of the year and increased quarter by quarter. In the second half of the year, the pull force gradually became stronger, especially in special lighting, smart lighting and mid-to-high power parts. In 2021, the output value of lighting LED will reach 6.709 billion U.S. dollars, with an annual growth rate of 3.43%. Taiwanese LED-related chip fabs will see prosperous performance in the second half of the year.

The performance of the third quarter has increased, and the legal person estimates that the monthly revenue will have the opportunity to challenge the record high. TrendForce LED global supply chain database report shows that the LED lighting market demand has fully recovered since the first quarter, and the second quarter has maintained the prosperity of the previous quarter.

The price is hovering in the high-end position. It is estimated that the overall lighting LED product price will increase by 0.3 in the second quarter. % To 2.3%, including human-caused lighting, smart lighting, plant lighting and special lighting, such as nuclear power plant lighting, pharmaceuticals, metal processing industry lighting and other rapid growth in demand.

Among Taiwan's LED related chips, Macroblock has been in the smart lighting and automotive LED markets for a long time, and the newly launched MBI6673 DC-DC LED lighting driver chip can be applied to stage lights, automotive warning lights, etc., with high power, high voltage, and multi-channel step-down In the past, the company has launched a variety of high-end dimmable LED lamps for customers to choose from, with outdoor building lighting and white light DC to DC, AC to DC constant current and switching drivers as the main axis.

In addition, it has entered the automotive pre-installation market and has supplied rear-mirror backlight LED driver IC products.

純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0



後疫情時代全球經濟解封,LED照明上半年需求復甦並逐季增溫,下半年拉貨力道逐漸轉強,尤其在特殊照明、智慧照明及中高功率部分第三季開始快速放量,研調機構預估,2021年照明用LED產值將達67.09億美元,年成長率3.43%,台廠LED相關晶片廠下半年業績看旺,電源管理晶片矽力-KY(6415)及驅動IC廠聚積(3527)第三季業績增溫,法人預估單月營收有機會挑戰歷史新高。 TrendForce LED全球供應鏈資料庫報告顯示,LED照明市場需求自第一季起全面復甦,第二季更維持上季榮景,價格盤旋於高檔位置,預估第二季整體照明用LED產品價格將上漲0.3%至2.3%,包括人因照明、智慧照明、植物照明和特殊照明,像是核電站照明、製藥、金屬加工業照明等需求快速增長。

台廠LED相關晶片中,聚積佈局智慧照明及車用LED市場許久,新推MBI6673 DC-DC LED照明驅動晶片可應用於舞台燈、車用警示燈等,具備高功率、高壓、多通道降壓等特性;過去該公司已推出多款高階可調光式LED燈具,可供客戶選擇,以戶外建築物照明與白光DC to DC,AC to DC恆流與切換式驅動器為主軸。另外,並切入車用前裝市場,已供貨後照鏡背光LED驅動IC產品。




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