(Eng) Invest Apple - Taiwan Industry - printed circuit board-6269台郡



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Apple's supply chain soft board factory in Taiwan County (6269-TW) maintained its monthly revenue of more than 2.39 billion yuan in April and May, and its major customers' orders for tablets and NB computers in the second quarter were all picked up according to the original quantity. Revenue in the second quarter is expected to be better than that in the first quarter; at the same time, Kaohsiung Hefaxin plant is put into mass production, coupled with a large number of shipments from US customers in July, Taiwan County's performance in the third quarter is expected to be better than that in the second quarter. growing up.

Taiwan County will ship a large number of flexible board antennas used in 5G millimeter wave liquid crystal polymer materials (LCP) in 2021. It is estimated that MPI and LCP antenna products will account for the overall revenue and will grow to 25%, boosting revenue in the second half of this year. , Profitable growth.

Taiwan’s liquid crystal polymer material (LCP) flexible board antennas are mainly produced in Kaohsiung’s Hefaxin Plant. The upstream materials are currently supplied in two major systems and are not affected by the shortage of raw materials. The Hefaxin Plant will start in July Mass production will help increase the shipments of value-added products, boost revenue and profit.

Taiwan County’s revenue in 2020 is 29.898 billion yuan, of which MPI and LCP soft-board antenna products account for nearly 20% of the overall revenue. This year, the shipment application of soft-board antennas will spread from wearable devices to computers, mobile phones and other devices. MPI and LCP are estimated Antenna products account for the proportion of revenue, which will rise to 25%





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蘋果供應鏈軟板廠台郡 (6269-TW) 4、5 月單月營收都維持在 23.9 億元之上,且主要客戶第二季平板、NB 等電腦相關訂單都依原訂數量提貨,第二季營收可望優於第一季;同時,高雄和發新廠投入量產,加上美系客戶 7 月起大量出貨,台郡第三季業績表現可望再較第二季成長。

台郡 2021 年應用於 5G 毫米波液晶高分子材料 (LCP) 軟板天線將大量出貨,估包括 MPI 及 LCP 天線產品占整體營收比重,將成長到 25%,推升今年下半年營收、獲利成長。

台郡的液晶高分子材料 (LCP) 軟板天線,主要在高雄和發新廠生產,目前上游材料分兩大系統供貨,不受原物料短缺影響,而和發新廠將在 7 月起量產,有助推升高加值產品出貨量,推升營收及獲利。
台郡 2020 年營收 298.98 億元,其中 MPI 及 LCP 軟板天線產品占整體營收接近 20%,今年軟板天線的出貨應用由穿戴裝置擴散到電腦、手機等裝置,預估 MPI 及 LCP 天線產品占營收比重,將攀升到 25%
