(Eng) TSMC Builds 3nm for Apple M1 Chips - 台積電接蘋果訂單-投產3nm精密製程工廠



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According to Nikkei, both Apple and Intel have already begun testing TSMC’s 3nm process technology, and will start production next year as soon as possible. Intel is rumored to use 3nm technology in a new generation of notebooks and data center processors, while Apple plans to release 3nm process chips on the iPad for the first time.

As TSMC plans to start mass production of 3nm chips in the second half of 2022, the products onboard will be available around the beginning of 2023, which is not in line with the traditional timeline of the iPhone at the end of the year. Therefore, the 2022 iPhone is expected to use the 4nm process .

TSMC is currently building chips for the iPhone 12 using the 5nm process, while the slightly improved 4nm process will come next year, temporarily as a transition before the 3nm debut. Compared with the existing 5nm products, the future 3nm chips are expected to increase the chip product speed by 10~15% under the same energy consumption; or save power by 25~30% under the same speed.

Intel’s situation is more subtle. Their own 10nm process chips have just begun to be launched in large numbers (this is roughly equivalent to TSMC’s 7nm), and 7nm products will have to wait until 2023. Therefore, in the middle of this, Intel found TSMC foundry notebooks and data center processors, with the intention of regaining the market lost to AMD and NVIDIA in the past few years. If everything goes as Intel’s plan, Intel may be ahead of AMD to launch a 3nm processor, surpassing the planned 5nm Zen 4.

TSMC’s 3nm plant is located in the Southern Science Park and is the fourth, fifth, and sixth phases of the Fab 18 plant. The project is currently in progress. The new plant invested in Arizona, USA, will start with 5nm. Technology-based





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日經報導,蘋果和 Intel 都已經開始測試台積電的 3nm 製程技術,最快明年就能投產。Intel 據傳將把 3nm 技術用在新一代的筆電和資料中心處理器上,而蘋果則是計畫在 iPad 上首發 3nm 製程的晶片。由於台積電計畫在 2022 年下半開始量產 3nm 晶片,搭載的產品大約會在 2023 年初上市,這與 iPhone 傳統上在年末上市的時程不符,因此 2022 年款的 iPhone 預期會使用 4nm 的製程。
台積電目前是以 5nm 製程打造 iPhone 12 用的晶片,而改進幅度略小的 4nm 製程則是將在明年到來,在 3nm 登場前暫時做為過渡。相較於現有的 5nm 產品,未來的 3nm 晶片預期可以在相同的能耗下為晶片產品增速 10~15%;或是在相同速度下為產品省電 25~30%。

Intel 的情況則比較微妙,他們自家的 10nm 製程晶片剛開始大量推出(這約略等同於台積電的 7nm),而 7nm 產品還要等到 2023 年。因此在這中間,Intel 找上了台積電代工筆電和資料中心處理器,意圖奪回過去幾年失去給 AMD 和 NVIDIA 的市場。如果一切如 Intel 計畫的話,Intel 有可能搶先 AMD 一步推出 3nm 處理器,超越預定採用 5nm 的 Zen 4。
台積電的 3nm 廠座落南部科學園區,為 Fab 18 廠的第四、第五及第六期工程,目前工程順利進行中;而在美國亞利桑納州投資的新廠,則是將先以 5nm 技術為主
