- 他的角色很特殊=>身為海軍,卻又天天飛上天?
- 從軍也有薇閣寶寶的概念=>中正預校正期生出身! 但也要簽賣身令?
- 偵/反潛機的任務=>一次上機(工)就是12hr 還要自啃原文書才能保命
- 跳傘是必備技能=>但他卻是在國外自費跳?
What The Flight Special Episode! We focus on civil aviation most of the time, but today, it's time to break some limit. We invite one of Paul's friend, a navy, to our podcast and have some interesting talk with us.
- flying daily but actually a navy?
- 12 hrs onboard is the toughest task for Anti-Submarine Warfare
- parachuting is a must-skill as a soldier, but he only did once abroad? And many more inside stories in this week's WTF!