(中文) Apple Airpods Uses - Invest Taiwan - NoTouch Style 遠距商機



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  • 儘管台灣還深受新冠肺炎疫情所苦,許多產業因WFH而影響經濟活動,但歐美多國因為疫苗施打率較高,民眾的生活步調逐漸恢復。當世界正準備重新開機,迎接過往熱絡的經濟活動時,那些需要實際人為施工的工程、交通建設等產業,反而因各國逐漸解封與中美兩大巨頭的基礎建設方案,讓投資人有新的投資選擇!
  • 逐步解封擴大支出 基建產業投資潛力浮現
  • 在疫情肆虐期間,面對賺錢與健康的兩道選擇題,許多國家都紛紛用「封城」的方式,也因此需要大量人力投入的基礎建設工程或工業生產線,都因為疫情產能延宕。像台灣就一度有科技公司因為擔心群聚感染,短暫關閉部分產線、讓移工暫時停工的案例。如今,在各地疫情逐漸受到控制後,各式工程與生產線可望逐步重啟,待多數勞工回到工作崗位、缺工問題解決後,基礎建設工程與工業生產線將可重新動起來。
  • 此外,世界主要兩大經濟體美國與中國,兩大巨頭在打打鬧鬧的同時,不約而同推出基礎建設方案,一方面期盼能由政府帶頭投資,有助經濟活動早點步出因疫情受創的陰霾,另一方面則可以加強國家體質,在把基底顧好後,讓企業可以在此根基上盡情發揮。所謂的基礎建設,包括:造橋、鋪路、蓋鐵路、鋪設5G基地台…等面向,根據全球基礎建設中心(GIH)的最新報告指出,預估全球在2021年到2040年間,基建支出合計上看70兆美元。



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  • 美中砸錢搶救經濟 快順勢搭上「重開機」順風車
  • 以美國來說,才通過高達1.2兆美元的基建計畫;而中國的「新基建」,則將重點放在高鐵和軌道交通,計畫注資4.5兆人民幣,且基建內容更擴及到科技和國民健康等項目。事實上,美國在2008年金融海嘯後就曾利用類似的投資法案,扶持美國經濟步出風暴,因此投資人相當期待此次也能成功複製過去的經驗。而在試圖將全球經濟由加護病房轉到一般病房的過程中,全球基礎建設資產有機會在2030年成長124%,來到超過110兆美元的水準。
  • 在歐美疫情降溫、全球蓄勢待發準備重新開機的過程中,別忘了搶先布局「全球基礎建設」產業,讓自己的財富搭上經濟活動重啟的成長列車

純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0



The European and American economies are restarting, don't miss investing in this product!

Although Taiwan is still suffering from the new crown pneumonia epidemic and many industries have affected economic activities due to WFH, many countries in Europe and the United States have gradually recovered the pace of life because of the high rate of vaccine use. When the world is preparing to restart and welcome the enthusiasm of the past economic activities, those industries that require actual man-made construction, transportation construction, etc., instead, because countries are gradually unblocking the infrastructure plans of the two giants in China and the United States, investors have New investment options!
Gradually unblocking the expansion of expenditures, the investment potential of the infrastructure industry emerges
During the epidemic, facing the two multiple-choice questions of making money and health, many countries have adopted the method of "closing cities". Therefore, infrastructure projects or industrial production lines that require a large amount of manpower investment are all due to the delay of production capacity of the epidemic. For example, in Taiwan, there were cases where technology companies temporarily shut down some production lines and temporarily suspended migrant workers because of fear of cluster infection. Now, after the epidemic situation in various places is gradually controlled, various projects and production lines are expected to be gradually restarted. After most of the workers return to work and the lack of labor is resolved, infrastructure projects and industrial production lines will be restarted.
In addition, the two major economies in the world, the United States and China, while the two giants are making troubles, they have introduced infrastructure projects at the same time. On the one hand, they hope that the government will take the lead in investment, which will help economic activities get out of the epidemic as soon as possible. On the other hand, it can strengthen the country’s physique. After taking good care of the foundation, enterprises can make full use of this foundation. The so-called infrastructure construction includes: bridge building, road paving, railway construction, 5G base station laying... and other aspects. According to the latest report of the Global Infrastructure Center (GIH), it is estimated that the total infrastructure expenditure in the world will increase from 2021 to 2040. Look at 70 trillion dollars.
The U.S. and China smashed money to rescue the economy and quickly took advantage of the trend to catch the "reboot" ride
In the United States, the US$1.2 trillion in infrastructure project has only been approved; while China’s "new infrastructure" focuses on high-speed rail and rail transit. The plan is to inject 4.5 trillion yuan in capital, and the infrastructure content has expanded to include technology and National health and other items. In fact, the United States used a similar investment bill after the 2008 financial tsunami to help the US economy out of the storm. Therefore, investors are looking forward to successfully copying past experience this time. In an attempt to transfer the global economy from intensive care units to general wards, global infrastructure assets have the opportunity to grow by 124% in 2030, reaching a level of more than 110 trillion U.S. dollars.
As the epidemic in Europe and America is cooling down and the world is ready to start up again, don’t forget to take the lead in laying out the “global infrastructure” industry and let your wealth catch the growth train of economic activity restart.
