(Eng) Apple made from Big Foxconn - Invest Taiwan 2317 鴻海集團



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The innovation of iPhone also affects the competition and cooperation of the supply chain behind it. With the iPhone 13 launched this fall, it is expected that more Chinese manufacturers will join the supply chain, and competition will become increasingly fierce.

How shining is "Apple Light"? It has always been an indicator of supply chain growth. Based on the data of various research institutes, in recent years, the annual shipment of smart phones is about 1.2 to 1.4 billion, and the Apple iPhone accounts for about 20%, which is equivalent to Samsung. The two sides have been fighting for the supremacy of shipments throughout the year.

Since many Taiwanese manufacturers provide iPhone components and assembly services, the iPhone can be said to have an impact on Taiwanese electronics manufacturers. Although the iPhone 13 (tentative name) that will be launched this fall has not yet been announced, foreign legal persons are the first to disclose important supplier changes, which has also aroused heated discussions in the market.

In view of the supply chain business opportunities related to iPhone 13 and Taiwanese manufacturers, there are two main focus points:

1. Hon Hai continues to be the boss, Pegatron and Luxshare are competing with each other

Last year, the iPhone 12 series products were divided into 12 Pro Max, 12 Pro, 12, and the small-sized 12 mini from high-end to low-end.

Last year, Hon Hai OEM models other than the 12 mini, and Pegatron focused on the OEM 12 mini. As a result, high-end models are selling well, but the 12 mini is not selling well, which also impacts Pegatron’s revenue.

Among them, Pro Max is taken by Hon Hai; Pro is halved by Luxshare and Hon Hai from the new supply chain; 6.1-inch is divided by Hon Hai and Pegatron seven-three, and the lowest 5.4-inch is Pegatron.

It is precisely because of poor sales of Pegatron's small-size (low-end) models last year that its profitability was also affected. Unfortunately, this year's OEM for similar projects again gave people an ominous premonition. However, it is too early to answer the question of "Whether Pegatron is likely to repeat last year's decline".

This is because last year's sales of small-size models were not good, but Apple will certainly adjust relevant specifications and sales strategies in response to market demand, waiting for market competition to judge the hero.

As for the newcomer Luxshare, it is relying on the continuous improvement of component strength and the purchase of the Suzhou factory of Wistron, a Taiwanese electronics factory, to successfully enter the iPhone assembly supply chain.

For the first time, Luxshare’s iPhone foundry will be able to receive higher-end models than Pegatron’s foundry. Whether it can demonstrate its strength through this iPhone 13 foundry in the future and continue to conquer the city in the future, the trend is also worth paying attention to.

2. The parts factory is shuffled, and the lens and cabinet are blown by strong winds

The lens manufacturer Largan has responded to the epidemic, lack of materials, and sanctions against its major customer Huawei, which has led to sluggish sales of mobile phones. Although the market expects the iPhone 13 to bring Largan’s opportunities, the latest news may not be optimistic. .

Well-known Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo pointed out in the report that Largan had sent samples of the iPhone 13 rear wide-angle lens and rear telephoto lens to Apple, but it did not meet Apple’s requirements. Therefore, the rival, Yujingguang, also in the iPhone supply chain, was asked to send samples to Apple. Benefit from this opportunity to get more iPhone 13 orders.

iPhone推陳出新,也牽動背後供應鏈的競爭與合作。今年秋季推出的iPhone 13,預計將有更多中國廠商加入供應鏈,競爭也愈趨激化。
由於許多台廠提供iPhone零組件及組裝服務,因此iPhone對台灣電子廠可謂牽一髮動全身。儘管今年秋季將推出的iPhone 13(暫名)尚未發表,但外資法人搶先披露重要供應商變動,也引起市場熱議。
針對iPhone 13與台廠相關的供應鏈商機,主要有兩大觀盤重點:
去年iPhone12系列產品,由高階至低階分為12 Pro Max、12 Pro、12,以及小尺寸的12 mini。
去年鴻海代工12 mini以外的機種,和碩則專注代工12 mini。結果高階機種大賣,12 mini則銷路不佳,這也連帶衝擊和碩營收

其中Pro Max由鴻海全拿;Pro由新進供應鏈的立訊與鴻海四六對分;6.1吋則由鴻海、和碩七三對分,最低階的5.4吋則又是和碩全拿。

而立訊iPhone代工首度出擊,就能接到比和碩代工的更高階機種,未來能否透過這次iPhone 13代工展現實力,並在未來持續攻城掠地,動向也值得關注

鏡頭大廠大立光因應疫情、缺料、大客戶華為受制裁等因素,導致手機銷售不振,利空纏身,儘管市場期待iPhone 13能帶給大立光轉機,但最新揭露的消息,恐怕不樂觀。

知名蘋果供應鏈分析師郭明錤在報告中指出,大立光遞送iPhone 13後置廣角鏡頭、後置長焦鏡頭樣本給蘋果,但沒達到蘋果要求,因此讓競爭對手、同為iPhone供應鏈的玉晶光受惠,有機會藉此取得更多 iPhone 13 訂單。





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Largan CEO Lin Enping pointed out at a recent law conference that part of the reason is that the price of mobile phone components has increased, which squeezes out lens specifications, and part of the reason is that some customers "are very concerned about cost", so they have imported several suppliers to compare prices. , So that prices and profits are not good
