S2E9 (English) Go! Go! Power Professor~|《Power 錕的大人學》

阮員外說書 Max.J Story


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Good morning, the whole world. 吃飽沒?10 minutes a week, Taiwanese brings you confidence. This is Max Juan speaking from Taiwan. This is episode nineteen on the PODCAST channel Taiwanese storyteller. The first podcast to speak Taiwanese and English.

早安,全世界!吃飽沒?每個禮拜10分鐘,讓台灣人帶給你自信。我是來自台灣的麥克斯軟。這是 PODCAST 頻道「台意人」的第 19 集。第一個講台語和英語的雙語播客頻道。

Today, it’s my honor to give you a well-known professor in Taiwan: Power 錕. Power 錕 is a professor in the Department of political science, National Taiwan University. He once ran for the mayor of New Taipei City in 1989, and the mayor of Taipei City in 2018. Although he was not able to be the mayor of these two cities, he is still an influencer in Taiwan. He has a fan page to share positive energy. 

今天,很榮幸給大家介紹一位台灣知名教授: Power 錕。Power 錕是台灣大學政治學系教授。他曾於1989年競選新北市市長,2018年競選台北市市長,雖然他未能成為這兩座城市的市長,但他在台灣仍是有影響力的人物。他有一個粉絲頁面來分享正能量。

I hear about Power 錕 for more than 10 years, although I never take his class. When I was a student in the university, Power錕has already been a very famous teacher. The main idea in his class is Power. Somebody thinks he was talking about nonsense, but some people get inspired from his class. For me, I watch his video online sometimes, and I really get some energy and power from him. What impressed me the most was that at the Taipei Mayor’s debate, he said that he is like a lion and a tiger and he is arguing with a group of pigeons and sheep. The country needs a strongman and hunter-type mayor to be able to deal with everything. That’s awesome, what a strong opinion. I don’t take it as discrimination to other candidates, that means he thinks from different dimensions. Today, I would like to give you a brief introduction about his book, to let you know his main idea: power. 

我聽說 Power 錕10 多年了,雖然我從來沒有上過他的課。在我上大學的時候, Power 錕就已經是一位非常有名的老師了。他課堂上的主要思想是權力。有人認為他在胡說八道,但也有人從他的課中得到啟發。對我來說,我有時會在網上看他的影片,我真的從他那裡得到了一些能量和力量。讓我印象最深的是,在台北市長的辯論會上,他說他像獅子和老虎,和一群鴿子和綿羊辯論,這個國家需要一個強者和獵人型的市長才能應付一切。這太棒了,多麼強烈的意見。我不認為這是對其他候選人的歧視,這意味著他是從不同的維度思考的。今天,我想為大家簡單介紹一下他的書,讓大家了解他的主要思想:權力。

The story starts from Power 錕’s childhood. When he was a student in elementary school. One day, Power 錕 and his friends went to play in the school’s playground. Suddenly a teacher and a group of students came and asked Power 錕 to leave, so Power 錕 and his friends left unhappily. Then he proposed taking the stone to throw the teacher. Later, he and his friends really took the stone to throw the teacher. The teacher was wounded and bleeding. Power 錕was satisfied to see this. He felt that he was fighting for fairness and justice.

故事要從Power 錕的童年說起。他上小學的時候。有一天,Power 錕和他的朋友們去學校的操場上玩耍。突然來了一位老師和一群學生過來,要求Power 錕他們離開,Power 錕和他的朋友們不高興地離開了。於是他提議拿石頭丟老師。後來,他和他的朋友們真的拿起石頭丟老師。老師被丟得頭破血流。Power 錕看到這一幕很滿意。他覺得自己是在為公平和正義而戰。

After lunch, when Power 錕came back to school, he saw the teacher accompany with the principal and other teachers and classmates to wait for him to return. Then the teacher punished him in public. Although Power 錕 was humiliated in front of all the students in the school, he thought he was very brave. When he was beaten, he saw a pretty girl he liked in the class tearing for him. At this time, Power 錕 felt that no matter how humiliated he was, it was worth it.

午飯後,當Power 錕回到學校時,他看到那位老師和校長,以及其他老師和同學們一起在等他回來。然後那位老師當眾懲罰了他。 Power 錕雖然在全校同學面前受辱,但他認為自己很勇敢。當他被老師打時,他看到班上一位他喜歡的漂亮女孩為他哭泣。這時候,Power 錕覺得自己受再多的屈辱,都是值得的。

What a beautiful story, right? The pretty girl watched his suffering for the pursuit of ideals, his fighting for the realization of ideals. He made ideals come true, to get higher happiness. To conclude this story, Power 錕 mentioned 3 steps to get happiness: Suffer/ Struggle/Superiority. That means you have a target, you have a dream, you have an ideal. And you are willing to sacrifice for your ideals, then you fight and struggle to realize your dreams, and finally, you gain the evolution of your soul. You become an ideal person, you become superiority.

多麼美麗的故事,對吧?美麗的少女看著他為追求理想而受苦,看著他為實現理想而奮鬥。他使理想成真,獲得更高層次的幸福。總結這個故事,Power 錕提到了獲得幸福的 3 個步驟:受苦/奮鬥/卓越。這意味著你有一個目標,你有一個夢想,你有一個理想。而你願意為自己的理想犧牲,然後為實現夢想而奮鬥和受苦,最終獲得靈魂的昇華。你成為一個理想的人,你更加卓越了。

So, we keep talking about power? what’s the so-called "Power"? In my word, the main idea of power is Subjective Idealism, or you can say: subjectivity. Power 錕 cited the ideas of four philosophers to verify the process of power: Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche. To conclude these four philosophers’ ideas, we can say the civilization of the Western world begins from the emphasis on God and religion, then it shifted to the emphasis on humans.

所以,我們一直在談論權力?什麼是所謂的「權力」?用我的話來說,權力的主要思想是主觀唯心主義,或者你可以說:主觀性。Power 錕引用了四位哲學家的思想來驗證權力的過程:笛卡爾、康德、黑格爾、尼采。總結這四位哲學家的思想,可以說西方世界的文明是從強調上帝和宗教開始,然後轉向強調人類。

The most important thing in this world is human thinking, or you can say people’s willpower. When we face difficulties, do not look for the help from God, it depends on human wisdom to solve the problems of life. For example, some of our modern inventions such as airplanes, high speed rail, air-condition, food, clothing, cell-phone, and internet. These inventions are not given by God, but because people actively pursue to invent and create. Therefore, when we encounter difficulties, we must struggle to break through and make progress. People have free will, you can decide your own destiny, you create your own life.


When we say people have free will in Taiwan, most Taiwanese think that means we can do anything we want without taking responsibility. That’s a wrong idea, that’s not true. When we face difficulty, we suffer, struggle, and fight. We take responsibility and then we have freedom. Actually, it’s not easy for people to take a challenge or be in suffering, but maybe we can take it as a journey. Enjoy failure, and enjoy the pain. Although some people have a bad impression of Power 錕, his idea of Power can give us confidence sometimes. We can create our own life, and you can live your own way. Thank you for listening today. Meet you on the air next time. Bye-bye.


前奏用音樂: Re:PLAY 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語, Jinbo
編曲: terrytyelee
作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語, Jinbo, Elin Lee
製作: terrytyelee
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/NsfoFY?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library
