那些年 我們一起衝的機場

搞什麼飛機 What The Flight?!


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以前機場對我而言就只是個見證歡聚與分離的地方;長大後才知道納入更多巧思,機場可以不只是機場。 匯集了大家貢獻的機場經驗,Ep. 17要告訴大家 =>機場代碼到底是什麼? 又是誰規定的? =>世界機場排名亞洲就佔了七成? =>兩大強國的內需市場就寡佔了機場以旅客數排名的前十名? =>睡機場、把機場當操場在衝刺...原來都是大家共同的回憶?
I used to regard the airport as a place merely for arriving and departing; now with some nice touch, an airport can not only just be an airport. After summarizing everyone's airport experience, Ep. 17 is gonna tell you =>what is the airport code? who invent this and according to what? =>according to Skytrax, Asians take up nearly 70% of the top ten airports? =>Strong domestic demand contribute to an oligopoly status of airport ranking by pax number? =>sleep and sprint are ppl's common experiences at the airport?
東京雙機場: https://reurl.cc/2reLx6
