(Eng) QLED of LG,Sony by Taiwan made 3481 群創



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The board of Innolux (3481) approved the signing of a long-term panel supply contract with Supervision Display Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Supervision). In the future, it will obtain a panel produced by Supervision 10.5-generation line at the most competitive price. The contract period For 2021-2033. After the contract is signed, Innolux will pay a total of RMB 4 billion in installments to Super Vision, which is approximately NT$17.2 billion, as a prepayment for purchases and deductions on a period-by-period basis.

Since Innolux merged with Chi Mei Electronics and Guanghui many years ago, it has not expanded the front panel production capacity for many years. In response to TV panel specifications, it has developed towards large size and high resolution. Innolux signed a long-term panel supply contract through Sharp's Supervision, which can maintain its role as the main supplier in the TV panel market, which is conducive to long-term product planning with customers, enhances customer adhesion, and reduces fluctuations due to changes in market supply and demand Influence. At the same time, it cooperates with Innolux's TV module factory in China to provide localized production to make the product cost more competitive.

After signing a contract with Supervision, Innolux will become the panel supplier with the most complete layout of the generation line, and can configure the best cut size products in the most suitable panel factory. Under the premise of taking into account TV panel products, the original production capacity of TV panels will be transferred to the production of emerging fields such as medical, automotive, aerospace, industrial and satellite communications, as well as high-value-added panel products.

The legal person pointed out that BOE’s world’s first Gen 10.5 line is located in Hefei, with a monthly production capacity of 120,000 pieces and a total investment of 45.8 billion yuan. Innolux has used the advantages of Hon Hai Group to sign a supply contract with the group’s 10.5 generation line of Sharp. Investing and expanding the factory by oneself is more flexible and time-efficient, without affecting the overall panel supply and demand, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

YT 理財教學頻道


群創(3481)董事會通過將與超視界顯示技術有限公司 (以下稱超視界)簽訂長期面板供貨合約,未來將以最具競爭力之價格,取得超視界10.5代線生產的面板,合約期間為2021 - 2033年。簽約後,群創將分期支付超視界共計人民幣40億元,約當台幣172億元,作為進貨預付款並逐期扣抵。

