(中文) 引擎技術革新-馬力, 省油兼具-總代理利潤提升16% -2204中華



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中華車(2204)旗下電動機車品牌 eMOVING,首款使用Gogoro Network®智慧電池交換平台服務的電動輕型機車EZ1登場。全台有超過2,130座GoStation,24小時全年無休,在超商、超市或停車場旁就可交換電池,比加油更方便、快速!eMOVING依據不同消費者的使用情境擴增能源方案,未來將持續以充換電並行,多元能源方案佈局,不同車型將分別對應快充、便利家充與換電三大能源系統,以完備豐富的能源補充方式,滿足消費者的多元需求。

中華車首款換電電動車主攻女性族群。中華車指出,現代女性生活忙碌,具備媽媽、妻子、員工等多種身分,eMOVING EZ1電動機車以體貼多重身分的女性車主為設計出發點,不僅車體輕量、小巧,整車含電池重量只有80公斤,座墊高僅740mm,更搭載省力中柱,讓女性也可輕鬆牽車、駐車,停車時更穩穩地雙腳踩地,擺脫傳統機車沉重難以駕馭的陰影。





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EMOVING, an electric locomotive brand under Zhonghua Motors (2204), debuted the first electric light locomotive EZ1 that uses the Gogoro Network® smart battery exchange platform service. There are more than 2,130 GoStations in Taiwan, 24 hours a day, all year round. The batteries can be exchanged in supermarkets, supermarkets or parking lots, which is more convenient and faster than refueling! eMOVING expands energy solutions based on different consumer usage scenarios. In the future, it will continue to use charging and swapping in parallel and diversified energy solutions. Different models will correspond to the three major energy systems of fast charging, convenient home charging and battery swapping to provide a complete and rich Energy supplement methods to meet the diverse needs of consumers.

Zhonghua Motor's first battery-swapping electric car is aimed at women. Zhonghua Motors pointed out that modern women have busy lives and have multiple identities such as mothers, wives, and employees. The eMOVING EZ1 electric scooter is designed based on considerate female owners with multiple identities. Not only is the body lightweight and compact, the vehicle weighs only 80 kilograms with batteries. , The seat cushion is only 740mm high, and it is equipped with a labor-saving center pillar, so that women can easily lead and park the car, step on the ground more steadily when parking, and get rid of the heavy and uncontrollable shadow of traditional locomotives.

Standard large-capacity double-sided front storage space, mobile phones, coffee, thermos can be placed freely, plus the front hook and 21.6 liters of trunk space, to meet the needs of loading a variety of items at once.

Affected by the epidemic and the economy, while tightening the wallet, China Motors' first battery-changing light locomotive EZ1 is the first to pre-order! From now until August 31, with a good mood car purchase fee of $5,000 and subsidies from the county and city governments, the easy start price starts from $37,900, and an additional set of original car accessories (exclusive for e-mu styling) with a market price of 3,990 yuan Goggles, e-mu style exclusive foot pad, eMOVING back waist pillow set)
