(中文) 蝕刻法大躍進- 金屬切割進入八位元- 2351 順德 Invest Taiwan



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順德以辦公文具起家,製造削鉛筆刀產品,後因擁有模具沖壓及電鍍技術,再跨入精密加工,導線架主要客戶群包括Infineon STM、Vishay、NXP…等IDM(整合元件廠),前五大客戶佔電子產品營收比重約7成。電子當中,第二季車用占營收39%,工業、消費則各占29%、28%,其餘為其他。 




純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0



Benefited from the strong recovery in automotive demand, Shunde (2351), a major power lead frame manufacturer, has regained its strong growth momentum. In the first July of this year (2021), its revenue increased by more than 30% annually. The legal person said that the lead frame is extremely in short supply. Shunde has adjusted its product quotations in the second to third quarters. There is still room for price increases in the fourth quarter. Coupled with the launch of new products such as Sensors, it is optimistic that the performance momentum will be stronger in the second half of the year.

Shunde started with office stationery and made pencil sharpeners. Later, due to its mold stamping and electroplating technology, it then moved into precision processing. The main customer groups for lead frames include Infineon STM, Vishay, NXP, etc. IDM (Integrated Component Factory), the top five Customers account for about 70% of the revenue of electronic products. Among electronics, cars accounted for 39% of revenue in the second quarter, industry and consumption accounted for 29% and 28% respectively, and the rest was others.

Since the fourth quarter of last year, the semiconductor supply chain has set off a wave of price increases. Lead frame manufacturers are mainly reflected in quotations based on international copper prices (mainly IDM customers). Due to the fact that the demand is too strong and the cost is rising, various manufacturers are also in the first place. Starting from the second quarter, labor costs will be increased. Among them, Shunde made adjustments to IDM and packaging and testing customers in the second and third quarters, driving the company's gross profit margin in the second quarter to return to more than 20%. It does not rule out the possibility of a further increase in the fourth quarter.

Looking forward to the future, automotive will continue to be the main driver of Shunde’s performance growth. At present, new automotive products have indirectly entered the supply chain of electric vehicle manufacturers and began to ship in the second and third quarters. The proportion of revenue in the third quarter will have a chance to come. To over 40%, the annual growth rate will reach 20-30%. In addition, in the fourth quarter, new products for power conversion inverters and sensors are gradually increasing, and the new plant in Nantou has been completed and entered trial production, which will increase the operational performance.

On the whole, Shunde’s current order visibility has reached the end of the year, and major European customers have already booked production capacity for 2022 and hope that the company will continue to expand production to meet strong demand. The legal person estimates that with the high-end utilization rate and the benefit of rising prices, operations in the second half of the year will be better than those in the first half of the year, earning half of the equity for the whole year.
