[EP011] Outlander from 20 to 17 century

The Reader's Caitlog


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Today Susan will be talking about this historical fantasy series Outlander, and how different the English literature changed during each period of time. Enjoy, and please share this podcast to your friends who love reading too:)

第四集邀請過的Susan,介紹這部穿越歷史懸疑系列小說——「異鄉人」(Outlander),作者是來自美國的Diana Gabaldon,她曾是大學教授與科學家,兒子也是一名穿越小說作家。


也請分享這集節目連結給你的朋友們,或是幫我們到Apple Podcast評分留言,謝謝!以下是節目中提到的書目,若您有興趣,希望您能點擊下方連結購買,我也可因此獲得微薄購書紅利:)

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版權資訊 Credits
Producer: Cait Chang
Co-Host: Matthew Parker
Music CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 of Becays & Offtenbach Project
