
搞什麼飛機 What The Flight?!


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這兩年因為疫情的關係,航空貨運特別夯。 在人們無法出國的情況下,擔任起運送疫苗及重要物資的重要角色。 那究竟在航空公司貨運部門工作是何等光景呢? 這集我們邀請到布萊恩來和我們聊聊 => 本來想當機師的,怎麼陰錯陽差地入了貨運坑? => 駐點在機場倉庫,到底都在做些什麼事? => 外派出去成為場站代表就可以每天泡茶聊是非了嗎? => 在貨運的福利除了機票外,還可以用低廉價格買到最新鮮直送的蔬果? => 貨運到底是個怎樣餓不死但也不可能大紅大紫的日不落產業? Air Transportation has come under the spotlight since Covid pandemic to ship vaccines and essential products when ppl are restricted by lockdown and boarder closure. But how does it like to work in the cargo division of an airline? In this special episode 3, we invite Brian to our show to talk us through => why ended up in cargo department when pilot was his dream job? => what are ppl doing as working in the airport warehouse? => does expat to outstation means happily ever after? => except from air tickets, the benefit of working in cargo is to shop freshly right out from the container? => why cargo industry can be refer to the industry on which the sun never sets?
