*第五季*【EP. 223】#610 經濟學人導讀 feat. 國際時事 feat. 新聞評論【煤炭價格導致中國全境電力短缺;聯邦大選後的德國政局;Instagram 左右為難;兩極化的悖論 > 美國的政治分歧】

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🔴Tuesday September 28th 2021

🌏Espresso - The world in brief
每日濃縮 - 世界概況

1️⃣China: coal prices led to nationwide electricity shortages

People in north-east China reported unplanned power cuts, as an electricity shortage that had initially impacted factories spread to homes. In a now-deleted message, one power company warned that outages will become the “new normal”…

中國東北地區據報導發生了計畫外的停電,而最初影響工廠的電力短缺擴及到了民生 (用電)。在一則已被刪除的訊息中,一家電力公司警告停電將成為“新常態”…

2️⃣Germany after the federal election: a new political landscape

Germany’s Greens and Free Democrats—two parties set to become kingmakers in any coalition that may emerge after the country’s federal election—said they would hold talks before meeting the two parties vying for their support. The left-leaning Social Democrats narrowly beat the centre-right Christian Democratic Union in Sunday’s vote…

德國的綠黨和自由民主黨 — 這兩個政黨將成為德國聯邦大選後可能出現在任何執政聯盟中的關鍵政黨 — 表示它們將在與爭奪其支持的兩個政黨 (社民黨、基民盟) 會面之前舉行會談。左傾的社會民主黨 (SPD) 在週日的投票中以些微優勢擊敗了中右翼的基督教民主聯盟 (CDU)…

3️⃣Instagram: in between pleasing and displeasing

Instagram, a social-media platform owned by Facebook, paused development of a version aimed at children aged 13 and under. The ad-free “kids” app would have let parents supervise their children’s browsing…

Facebook 旗下的社群媒體 Instagram 將停止開發專屬 13歲以下兒童的應用程式,而這個無廣告的應用程式「kids」原預期能讓家長們管理小孩的網頁瀏覽行為…

🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條

👈🇺🇸👉Polarisation paradox: America’s political divisions

Ask commentators what the biggest trend in American politics is and many will identify the growing problem of polarisation within the electorate. But several papers presented this week at the American Political Science Association’s annual meeting argue that narrative is too simple. While polarisation has worsened in some ways, in others it has remained steady. Social polarisation, characterised by a strong association between an individual’s identity and the political party they favour, has increased steadily over the past three decades. That has contributed to a tribal divide between Democrat and Republican voters…


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