(中文) 定期定額 年年領股利 投資房地產與股票並行 6177達麗 - Invest Taiwan



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達麗建設(6177)今(5)日公告處分華盛頓州土地,達麗建設指出,該地將以4,200萬美元、約新台幣11.7億元賣給LPC West Inc.,處分利益初估1,640萬美元、約新台幣4.56億元。
達麗建設手中擁有一筆已完工、總銷44.25億元「Koda Fifth Avenue達麗第五大道」,另外公司計畫2022、2023年推出的住宅案為「500 S Jackson富士松村」、「310 E Pike派克市場」,兩大案總銷分別是84億元、14億元。
達麗建設在美國首筆住宅案「Koda Fifth Avenue達麗第五大道」,是國內上市櫃建商首筆在美銷售的住宅案,產品走精緻、文化風,規劃二至三房的小宅產品,鎖定當地AMAZON、微軟、波音公司等科技新貴銷售,該案有機會在今年貢獻收益。

純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0

After Dali Construction (6177) launched the "National Strong Rod" in Tainan's high-speed rail life circle last year, the second construction project of Dali moved to Tainan, targeting the sub-city center of Tainan, planning to build 604 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom houses. The total sales of residential products are about 7.5 billion yuan. It will be pre-sold in six months at the earliest. It will cost 400,000 yuan per ping, which is higher than Qing Jinglin’s 250,000 to 290,000 yuan per ping last year. 100,000 yuan, a high regional price.

The construction project of Dali, located in the eastern district of Tainan and the sub-city center of Tainan, held a groundbreaking ceremony on the 17th. The chairman of Dali, Xie Zhichang, who personally presided over the south, said that this construction base with an area of ​​about 3,141 square meters was awarded to the Tainan City Government last year. , 528,000 yuan per ping.

At that time, many friends said that it was too high. However, half a year later, when the land on the opposite side of Dali Base was sold, the winning price was close to 630,000 yuan per ping. Xie Zhichang pointed out that at that time, someone suggested to sell the land altogether. "If you change hands, you can earn 300 million yuan in half a year."

Xie Zhichang emphasized that when he buys land, he is optimistic about the development prospects of Tainan Sub-city Center (also known as South Tainan Xindu Center). Dali wants to build a target project here and provide high-quality housing, "not to sell land to make money."

He said that in line with the "South Tainan Sub-city Center" plan, the underground Tainan Railway is planned on the production road, and the underground station "South Tainan Station" will be set up to connect Tainan City Center and Shalun High Speed ​​Rail. The "National Museum of the Future of Science" set up by the Ministry of Education, in the future, combined with the "South Tainan Cultural Center", "Bacley Park", and "Parking of Old South Tainan Station", will become the core of Tainan's new development.

Xie Zhichang pointed out that the base will build 6 15-story residential buildings with a total number of about 604 households and a total sales amount of about 7.5 billion yuan. It is hoped that the construction will be completed within two and a half to three years. Haiyue International will be entrusted in the future. Sales, however, it will take six months to one year at the earliest before structured sales are carried out based on market conditions.

Zhou Shikai, general manager of Haiyue International, said that the case of Dali Tainan Deputy Capital City is a high-quality area in Tainan East District. Based on the current development of Tainan's real estate market, each ping will see the prefix 4 when it starts to sell in the future.

In addition to Dali in Tainan's sub-city center, the "Bakeli" launched by the Qingjinglin construction team, which was grounded in July 2020, was priced from 290,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan per square meter when it began to be submerged in March of that year. , The price difference between the two construction projects has exceeded 100,000 yuan, an increase of over 38%




