EP 9 - 向左走,向右走。 The Mass Exodus



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EP 9 - 向左走,向右走。
The Mass Exodus

Nadao Bangkok最近發了精簡的選角廣告 卻引發了我們的好奇心(?
誰離開了公司 誰又創立了自己的工作室
到底說明了些什麼 尤其對於離開了Nadao Bangkok的藝人來說
除了藝人本身 公司方面又有怎樣的發展及走向?
讓我們在這集裡以邊討論邊推測的方式 為你一一說明!

P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
They say, good things don’t last forever. However, great memories do.
Farewell is always not an end, but a new beginning to a chapter.

A simple casting call announced by Nadao Bangkok recently leads us to this open discussion where we come together to talk about the recent movements between companies in the Thai entertainment scene. After leaving Nadao Bangkok, the famous company which has groomed lots of the current stars in the Thai entertainment scene, where does an artiste’s decision lead them to in the greater scheme of things?
What are the company’s plans in lieu of the pandemic and its development?

So much questions, but we don’t have much time.
So hop right into this episode and join us as we wrap up an era together and go to the next!

P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!

