【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】Family/家族成員



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👉🏻00:52 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語

  1. aunt [ænt] [名] 伯/嬸母
  2. cousin [ˋkʌzn] [名] 堂表兄弟姊妹
  3. daughter [ˋdɔtɚ] [名] 女兒
  4. husband [ˋhʌzbənd] [名] 丈夫
  5. parent [ˋpɛrənt] [名] 父(母)親
  6. uncle [ˋʌŋk!] [名] 伯/叔父
  7. wife [waɪf] [名] 妻子
  8. born [bɔrn] [動] 出生 [形] 天生的
  9. grow [gro] [動] 成長;種植
  10. live [lɪv] [動] 居住 [形]活的;現場演出的

👉🏻05:20 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點

  • grow 相關片語:

1.grow up (長大;成長)
Linda grew up in a rich family.
2.grow + Adj. (逐漸變成)
The weather is grow if colde.

👉🏻6:18 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. My parents have ______ a simple life in the country. (A) married (B) lived (C) born (D) grown
2. Jenny is my mom’s sister, so she’s my ______________.
3. Nina ____________ up to be a good actress.
4. George can run fast. He’s really a ____________ athlete.

A: Is that your son? He has grown so tall.
B: Time! Young boys grow fast.
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💯《Answer Key》: 1. (B) 2. aunt 3. grew 4. born
