【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】Shape/形狀大小 Ⅳ



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👉🏻0:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語

  1. amount [əˋmaʊnt] [名] 總數
  2. deep [dip] [形] 深的
  3. distance [ˋdɪstəns] [名] 距離
  4. round [raʊnd] [形] 圓形的
  5. row [ro] [動] 划船 [名] 行列
  6. shape [ʃep] [名] 形狀
  7. short [ʃɔrt] [形] 矮的 短的
  8. size [saɪz] [名] 大小 尺寸
  9. straight [stret] [形] 直的
  10. yard [jɑrd] [名] 庭院;碼 (3 英呎)

👉🏻5:00 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點

  • 用來區分 size 大小的字:S, M, L

1. S → small 小的
2. M → medium 中等的
3. L → large 大的

👉🏻6:50 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. It’s a long _____ from New York to Taipei. (A) size (B) yard (C) amount (D) distance
2. A patient with cancer needs a large _____ of medicine to control his condition.
3. The _____ of this pair of shoes is too small for me. I can’t fit in.
4. In some countries, people need to dig a very _____ hole to get water.

A: Could you please tell me how to get to the Warner Village Cinema.
B: Go straight along the street and you will see it.
#歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評


💯《Answer Key》: 1. (D) 2. amount 3. size 4. deep
