Images of God



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We Are the Images of God
God is a very massive supreme being who is, actually, the same one as we are. The reality is that we are contained inside God, and God stays within us.
“Image of God” is a theological term, applied uniquely to humans, which denotes the symbolical relation between God and humanity. The term has its roots in Genesis 1:27 of the Bible, wherein “God created man in his own image.” This scriptural passage does not mean that God is in human form, but rather, that humans are in the image of God in their moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature. Thus, humans mirror God’s divinity in their ability to actualize the unique qualities with which they have been endowed, and which make them different than all other creatures: rational structure, complete centeredness, creative freedom, a possibility for self-actualization, and the ability for self-transcendence.
Moreover, “image of God” refers most fundamentally to two things: first, God’s own self-actualization throughout humankind; and second, God’s care for humankind. To say that humans are in the image of God is to recognize the special qualities of human nature which allow God to be made manifest in humans. In other words, that humans have the conscious recognition of their being in the image of God means that they are the creatures throughout whom God’s plans and purposes can be made known and actualized; humans, in this way, can be seen as co-creators with God. The moral implications of the doctrine of “image of God” are apparent in the fact that if humans are to love God, then humans must love other humans. Humans differ from all other creatures because of their rational structure--their capacity for deliberation and free decision-making. This freedom gives the human a centeredness and completeness which allows the possibility for self-actualization and participation in a sacred reality.
However, the freedom which makes the human in God’s image is the same freedom which manifests itself in estrangement from God, as the myth of the Fall (Adam and Eve) exemplifies. According to this myth, humans can, in their freedom, choose to deny or repress their spiritual and moral likeness to God. The ability and desire to love one’s self and others as well as God can become neglected and even opposed. Therefore, striving to bring about the “image of God” in one’s life can be seen as the quest for wholeness.
Animals are wonderfully uncreative. They do not change the world they live in. The creativity we observe in them is instinctive. Birds build their nests, but, every year, it has the same design. They never think to build on an extension, create a loft conversion or develop their skills. They just do the same old instinctive thing. Human intelligence is unlike anything found in the animal kingdom. We ponder the meaning of our existence, the significance of our actions and the prospects of our destiny. Unlike animals, man is a thinker and capable of being instructed and growing in understanding. God is not only the great artist who made a beautiful creation but has made us in his image, so that we can appreciate beauty. Beauty, awe and wonder are experienced by humans. The creator God is the artist who designs a beautiful world and creates mankind who can understand his moral character and purposes. Animals suffer from fear, but they have no natural sense of guilt or awareness of good and evil. Yet, our daily lives are dominated by such awareness. Human conscience is a major aspect of our humanity. We battle with evil within ourselves and witness it in others. We long for the good and love. We know in our souls that we are not made to live in isolation. The images of God in us not only help us to see who we really are, but also reveal God to us. Image of God means that God’s qualities make us, humans, to possess a soul, higher-order reasoning, self-consciousness, consciousness of God, and the ability to have a relationship with him. Only humans are in God’s images and own God’s supreme qualities.
Idols are not considered gods themselves. They are only statues. God makes humanity in his image to let us perform humility, love, holiness, not the ways of worship. We are called to live daily in such a way that embodies what image of God looks like. We’re to imitate God’s love and forgiveness. We’re trying to be like God in a way we should live for God’s glory. We are like God when we work, being productive according to God’s command. We are like God when we seek justice. We are like God in holiness when we follow God’s instruction to us. And we are like God when we love sacrificially in grace and mercy. May we smart enough to learn God’s will in our hearts all the time.
