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bhsales.vpweb.com Bring water to a boil in a stainless steel pan.
Add pine needles. The addition of the needles should bring the water temperature down below boiling.
For a milder tea, remove from heat and let steep for 15 to 20 minutes.For a stronger tea, reduce heat and simmer -- don't boil -- for 20 minutes and remove from heat. Then cover and let sit overnight or continue to next step and serve.
Strain out pine needles, sweeten to taste, and serve tea hot or cold.
Make sure not to boil the pine needles in order to preserve the vitamin C and prevent the release of bitter terpenes. Vitamin C doesn't last long, so drink this tea as soon as possible.serious drug interactions may occur when persons who take prescription medication self-medicate with medicinal plants. Always check with a doctor for possible side effects before taking any wild plant as medicine.What hasn’t been so clear is how much of the acid was contained in Maine’s pine trees and how easy — or difficult — it was to extract.
The latest research has determined that white and red pines — and spruce and tamarack trees to a lesser extent — store enough of the acid to make it worthwhile to extract=
Like the gemstone itself, our water is incapable of being synthetically replicated. The location, complex geology and intense pressure that went into the formation of the bedrock below the source resulted in the creation of a rare geologic phenomenon that allows for the production of invaluable gem grade water. Beyond amazing! serious drug interactions may occur when persons who take prescription medication self-medicate with medicinal plants. Always check with a doctor for possible side effects before taking any wild plant as medicine.
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