EP.07|瑞士佛里堡騎越野單車 ft. Manuela Huber

極限白日夢 - 冒險旅遊俱樂部 by BEOUTER


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◤ 本集介紹 ◢
2017年紐西蘭旅行時遇見了來自瑞士的 Manu, 一頭俐落金色短髮的女生從瑞士運了自己的越野單車到紐西蘭。
在熱愛越野單車的 Manu 熱情邀約下,我飛到瑞士去找她嘗試人生第一次的越野單車。
目前在瑞士從事推廣越野單車觀光的Manu ,將在節目中跟大家分享瑞士的越野單車文化還有紐西蘭越野單車的經驗
This week Irene's going to introduce you Manuela Huber from Switzerland. Manu is not only a mountain biking enthusiasts, she also love skiing, hiking, surfing and many outdoor activities. In this episode, Manu shares the mountain biking culture in Switzerland and what she does to help growing the mountain biking industry. 
I really looking forward to visit Manu after this interview. I think you would too ! 

◤ EP.07 來賓介紹 ◢
- 來自瑞士的 Manuela Huber @manus_adventures
- 越野單車玩家
- 在瑞士的 Schwarzsee 推廣越野單車觀光
- 知道更多瑞士的越野單車資訊:https://create-your-adventure.com

◤ 本集節目內容 ◢
00:10 歡迎瑞士的朋友 Manu ! (中文介紹)
01:37 A mountain biking enthusiast - Manu 
02:18 Why Swiss people good at many outdoor sports?
03:18 The black lake - Schwarzsee
03:39 The charm of Mountain biking
06:42 Hikers and Bikers relationship in Switzerland
07:53 E-mountain bike is now a trend
09:20 MTB community in Switzerland
13:18 NewZealand - MTB paradise
17:00 Wait, what's that in the background ?
17:29 Best way to explore Switzerland on bike.
20:36 Mission : Create your adventures
23:07 Switzerland's luxury mountain hunt (?)
30:00 The safest place
34:00 Never Stop Exploring
35:00 採訪後的花絮(中文)

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▲ 聯絡 Irene:beouter@gmail.com
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