【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】 Money/ 金錢



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👉🏻00:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語

  1. borrow [ˋbɑro] [動] 借(入)
  2. change [tʃendʒ] [名] 零錢 [動] 改變;更改
  3. cheap [tʃip] [形] 便宜的
  4. cost [kɔst] [名] 費用;成本 [動] 花費
  5. expensive [ɪk`spɛnsɪv] [形] 貴的
  6. lend [lɛnd] [動] 借(出)
  7. money [`mʌnɪ] [名] 錢
  8. pay [pe] [動] 付錢
  9. price [praɪs] [名] 價錢
  10. spend [spɛnd] [動] 花費(錢或時間)

👉🏻04:40 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 

  • 花費(錢或時間)需注意主詞:

1 人 + spend+ 時間/金錢 + Ving/on 物品 某人花費時間/金錢做…
2 It/物品 + take + 人 + 時間 + to V 某物耗費某人時間做…
3 It/物品 + cost + 人 + 金錢 (+ to V) 某物花了某人多少錢(做)…
👉🏻6:47 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. I can ______ you the book, but you have to give it back to me in three days.
 (A) borrow (B) read (C) show (D) lend
2. The town looks very different now. It has ______________ a lot.
3. Studying in a foreign country ____________ me a lot of money.
4. When you go shopping, do you usually ____________ with your credit card?
A: Charles wanted to borrow $1,000 from me yesterday.
B: You didn’t lend him the money, did you?
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💯《Answer Key》: 1. (D) 2. changed 3. costs 4. pay
