從無人機大戰看台灣創新的今天與未來 / 5G Drone Race, Innovation, and Taiwan



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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/join/cki7h5zxajbdp08606zzrytfy今天相當榮幸邀情到台達研究院的闕志克院長,和我們分享院長在江湖上的一些事蹟與獨特見解:
-闕院長是如何帶領其研究團隊找到5G專門的技術應用(a Killer App),並用在電競無人機上呢?

關於闕志克/ Tzi-cker Chiueh:

闕志克院長,目前為台達研究院院長。闕院長自台大畢業後,先後在美國史丹佛大學及柏克萊大學取得電腦科學碩士及博士,後來亦在紐約石溪大學(Stony Brook University)擔任教授。十多年前回到台灣後,進入工研院擔任資通所所長,而就在今年10月,成為台達研究院的院長。

How Dr. Tzi-cker Chiueh (闕志克院長) pushed his team to find a Killer App for 5G, in drone racing?

Deep understanding of the technical capabilities and requirements are the prerequisites. What else?

Managing the risks of an innovation is what practitioners focus on. Innovation sparks can also be fostered with cross-disciplinary teams. As part of the managerial responsibility, a milestone and progress status oriented process can provide actionable feedback for managing a portfolio of innovation programs.

And, don't forget, the right team is the most critical piece in this journey.

Looking from the perspective of Taiwan's ecosystem. Instead of aspiring to be the next Asian Silicon Valley, Taiwan's unique strength is being the suppliers of critical components to the world. At policy level, the most effective one would be to focus on providing a supportive infrastructure instead of picking industry champions.

About Tzi-cker Chiueh/闕志克:

Dr. Tzi-cker Chiueh got his BSEE from NTU, MSCS from Stanford and PhD in CS from Berkeley. He was a CS faculty member at Stony Brook University for 15 years, then joined ITRI and finally served as the General Director of its Information and Communications Labs. Starting in October 2021, he runs Delta Research Center.

- https://youtu.be/o2nFp-YPgFo

image sources
- Dr Chiueh personal archive
- By Melanie Wallner - was sent to me personally, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=87542750
- https://www.accupass.com/event/2110241810037651767310

