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華南金控2021年上半年自結稅後淨利達92.89億元,年增530.6%,每股稅後盈餘(EPS) 0.72元,年化稅後股東權益報酬率(ROE) 9.55%、資產報酬率(ROA) 0.58%。華南金控總資產與淨值皆穩健成長,截至2021年6月底止,總資產達3兆2,985億元,較去年同期增長15.3%,淨值1,997億元亦持續邁向2,000億元大關,雙雙再攀高峰。
集團核心獲利子公司華南銀行2021年上半年自結稅後淨利78.17億元,年增35.0%,主要放款量能增加使利息淨收益回穩且較去年同期增加11.68億元(+9.7%);整體淨手收在財富管理業務強勁動能帶領下,較去年同期增加7.52億元(+22.5%),核心業務動能齊揚;此外,因資產品質提升,無去年同期因逾放個案而需增提大額備抵損失情形,呆帳淨提存年減9.72億元,合力推升整體淨收益達201.25億元,年增9.3%,EPS 0.91元,年化稅後ROE 7.64%、ROA 0.50%,皆優於去年同期表現。
子公司華南永昌證券2021年上半年自結稅後淨利12.70億元創歷年來新高,且相較去年同期因權證業務導致虧損,獲利由虧轉盈,EPS 1.94元;子公司華南產險2021年上半年自結稅後淨利4.85億元已超越去年全年獲利4.82億元,年增率111.8%, EPS 2.42元,均大幅優於去年同期。




South China Gold announced its operating performance for the second quarter of 2021 and the first half of 2021. Due to the good profit momentum of various subsidiaries and the loss of warrants of South China Yongchang Securities compared with the same period last year, profits have shown a significant leap forward.

Looking forward to the second half of the year, the global economy is still heading towards a pattern of growth and recovery. Huanan Jin believes that there are four hidden concerns. First, whether inflation is a short-term phenomenon; second, epidemic control and vaccines have caused uneven global economic recovery; third, global Supply chain reorganization and supply-demand imbalance; fourth, the withdrawal of economic stimulus plans, etc.

In the first half of 2021, South China Financial Holdings’ net profit after tax settlement reached 9.289 billion yuan, an annual increase of 530.6%, earnings per share after tax (EPS) 0.72 yuan, annualized after-tax return on equity (ROE) 9.55%, return on assets (ROA) 0.58%. The total assets and net value of South China Financial Holdings have grown steadily. As of the end of June 2021, total assets reached 3.298.5 billion yuan, an increase of 15.3% over the same period last year. The net value of 199.7 billion yuan also continued to move towards the 200 billion yuan mark. Climb the peak.

The Group’s core profitable subsidiary, South China Bank, has a net profit of 7.817 billion yuan after tax settlement in the first half of 2021, an annual increase of 35.0%. The increase in the main loan volume can stabilize the net interest income and increase 1.168 billion yuan (+9.7%) from the same period last year. ; Led by the strong momentum of the wealth management business, the overall net hand income increased by 752 million yuan (+22.5%) over the same period last year, and the core business momentum rose. In addition, due to the improvement of asset quality, there was no need to increase the amount due to over-release cases in the same period last year. In the case of large allowance losses, the net withdrawal of bad debts decreased by 972 million yuan annually, and the overall net income reached 20.125 billion yuan, an annual increase of 9.3%, EPS 0.91 yuan, annualized after-tax ROE 7.64%, ROA 0.50%, Both are better than the performance of the same period last year.

In the first half of 2021, the subsidiary Huanan Yongchang Securities’ net profit after tax settlement of 1.27 billion yuan hit a record high, and compared with the same period last year due to the loss of warrant business, the profit turned from loss to profit, EPS 1.94 yuan; subsidiary Huanan Property & Casualty Insurance 2021 In the first half of the year, the net profit after tax settlement of 485 million yuan has surpassed last year's profit of 482 million yuan, the annual growth rate was 111.8%, and the EPS was 2.42 yuan, both significantly better than the same period last year.

South China Financial Holdings' profit in the first half of 2021 is still dominated by South China Bank, which accounts for about 80% of the profit. The securities and property insurance subsidiaries have performed well in the first half of the year, and their profit ratios have increased to 13% and 5%. , Has reached the preset goal of increasing the total profit ratio of the two subsidiaries to more than 10% this year




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