【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】Household Appliances/家居用品Ⅰ



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👉🏻00:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語

  1. address [əˋdrɛs] [名] 地址; 演說
  2. air conditioner [ɛr kənˋdɪʃənɚ] [名] 冷氣機
  3. armchair [ˋɑrm͵tʃɛr] [名] 扶手椅子
  4. basement [ˋbesmənt] [名] 地下室
  5. bookcase [ˋbʊk͵kes] [名] 書架
  6. brick [brɪk] [名] 磚塊
  7. bucket [ˋbʌkɪt] [名] 水桶
  8. building [ˋbɪldɪŋ] [名] 建築物
  9. carpet [ˋkɑrpɪt] [名] 地毯
  10. cassette [kəˋsɛt] [名] 卡式磁帶

👉🏻05:30 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點

  • address 相關用法:

1. (n.) 地址
Can I have your address? 
2. (n.) 演說
The mayor gave an address to the students yesterday. 

👉🏻6:35 EXERCISE實戰演練 
1. Can I have your ____? The prize delivered to you. 
(A) number (B) carpet (C) address (D) cassett 
2. It’s so hot today, so I have to turn on the _____. 
3. I bought a _____ of cheese and a bottle of wine for today’s supper. 
4. Taipei 101 is the tallest _____ in Taiwan, and the second in the world. 

A: Can you tell me how to get to this address? 
B: It’s not a long distance from here. Just turn right at the next corner and you’ll see the red building. 
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💯《Answer Key》: 1. (C) 2. air conditioner 3. brick 4. building 
