EPISODE 29|春节快乐!Happy Chinese New Year !

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明天就是春节(中国新年)啦,今天和Angelina聊了聊好几个春节的传统: 春节吃什么?水饺和八宝饭!春节怎么装饰?春联和福字!春节做什么?拜年,穿红色的衣服,还有被七大姑八大姨催婚!


Tomorrow is Chinese New Year, so today we talked to Angelina about several Chinese New Year traditions: What do you eat at Chinese New Year? Dumplings and eight-piece rice! How to decorate for Chinese New Year? Spring couplets and fortune characters! What do you do during Chinese New Year? What do you do at Chinese New Year? Pay respects, wear red clothes, and be urged to get married by your aunts and uncles!

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!

喜庆 festive | Xǐqìng
  吉祥 auspicious | jíxiáng  
  除夕夜 New Year's Eve | chúxì yè  
  催婚 wedding promotion | cuī hūn  
  避开 avoid | bì kāi  
  传统习俗 traditional customs | chuántǒng xísú  
  虚岁 false years | xūsuì  
  紧迫感 sense of urgency | jǐnpò gǎn  
  综艺节目 variety shows | zōngyì jiémù  
  电视节目 TV programs | diànshì jiémù  
  立意 intention | lìyì  
  迷人 fascinating | mírén  
  中国特色 Chinese characteristics | zhōngguó tèsè  
  毕业 Graduation | bìyè  
  考研 graduate study | kǎoyán  
  考博士 doctoral examinations | kǎo bóshì  
  源自于 originated from | yuán zì yú  
  七大姑八大姨 aunts and uncles | qī dà gū bā dàyí  
  亲戚 relatives | qīnqī  
  亲戚朋友 Relatives and friends | qīnqī péngyǒu  
  北美 North America | běiměi  
  欧洲 Europe | ōuzhōu  
  春晚 Spring Festival Gala | chūnwǎn  
  中央台 CCTV | zhōngyāng tái  
  小品 Skits | xiǎopǐn  
  歌舞 Song and Dance | gēwǔ  
  娱乐节目 Entertainment programs | yú yuè jiémù  
  鞭炮 Firecrackers | biānpào  
  炮竹 firecrackers | pào zhú  
  拜年 New Year Worship | bàinián  
  回忆 Memories | huíyì  
  吃吃喝喝 Eating and drinking | chīchīhēhē  
  团聚 Reunion | tuánjù  
  春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala | chūnjié liánhuān wǎnhuì  
  春晚 Spring Festival Gala | chūnwǎn  
  吐槽 trolling | tǔcáo  
  诟病 criticism | gòubìng  
  倒数 countdown | dàoshǔ  
  实时直播 Live streaming | shíshí zhíbò  
  参与感 sense of participation | cānyù gǎn  
  瓜子 melon | guāzǐ  
  向日葵 Sunflower | xiàngrìkuí  
  零食 Snacks | língshí  
  鸡胸肉 Chicken breast | jīxiōng ròu  
  剥壳 Shelling | bō ké  
  吃不饱 Not enough to eat | chī bù bǎo  
  吃很久 Eating for a long time | chī hěnjiǔ  
  仪式感 Ritualistic | yíshì gǎn  
  吃中餐 Eating Chinese food | chī zhōngcān  
  水饺 Dumpling | shuǐjiǎo  
  酸菜鱼 Fish with pickled vegetables | suāncài yú  
  红烧羊肉 Braised lamb | hóngshāo yángròu  
  年年有余 Surplus every year  | nián nián yǒuyú  
  谐音 Pun | xiéyīn  
  瓜子 Sunflower seeds | guāzǐ  
  枣 Dates | zǎo  
  核桃 Walnuts | hóng hétáo  
  桂圆 Longan | guìyuán  
  糯米饭 Glutinous rice | nuòmǐ fàn  
  核桃 Walnuts | hétáo  
  菜肴 Dishes | càiyáo  
  大年夜 New Year's Eve | dà nián yè  
  年夜饭 New Year's Eve Dinner | nián yèfàn  
  集市 Bazaar | jí shì  
  福字 Chinese characters of good fortune | fú zì  
  春联 Spring Festival couplets | chūnlián  
  红彤彤 Red | hóngtōngtóng  
  兆头 Good omen | zhàotou  
  寓意 signifying | yùyì  
  好运气 Good luck | hǎo yùnqì  
  悠久历史 Long history | yōujiǔ lìshǐ  
  装饰品 Decoration | zhuāngshì pǐn  
  恭喜发财 Congratulations on your fortune | gōngxǐ fācái  
  日进斗金 Earn money every day | rì jìn dòu jīn  
  鸿运当头 Good opportunities arrive | hóngyùn dāngtóu  
  万事如意 All things are as you want | wànshì rúyì  
  吉祥开泰 Good luck and prosperity | jíxiáng kāi tài  
  吉星高照 Lucky Star shines | jíxīng gāo zhào  
  步步高升 Step up in career | bùbùgāo shēng  
  虎虎生威 Powerful and lively like a tiger | hǔ hǔshēng wēi
