這是 2022-03-14 閒聊用新聞: 國際圓周率日的慶祝派餅 + 女權的菜單里程碑 + 拯救雙子星 /This is the 2022-03-14 News for Chitchat: Get a pie for the International π-Day + Menu as an equal rights struggle + Operation Gemini

這是 2022-03-14 閒聊用新聞: 國際圓周率日的慶祝派餅 + 女權的菜單里程碑 + 拯救雙子星 /This is the 2022-03-14 News for Chitchat: Get a pie for the International π-Day + Menu as an equal rights struggle + Operation Gemini
