EPISODE 32 | 这就是非洲! This is Africa!

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I lived in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, Africa for two years before, made a lot of good friends, this week several good friends from Nairobi to visit us and go skiing, so this episode and Hailey to talk about our feelings and impressions of life in Africa, especially we will compare the differences between East Africa (Kenya) and West Africa (Nigeria)! Hailey is from Hong Kong, so you will hear a Hong Kong Mandarin accent in this episode!

远道而来 Coming from afar | Yuǎndào ér lái 
 尼日利亚 Nigeria | nírìlìyǎ 
 滑雪 Skiing | huáxuě 
 香港人 Hong Kong People | xiānggǎng rén 
 广东话 Cantonese | guǎngdōng huà 
 自我介绍 Self Introduction | zìwǒ jièshào 
 四大洲 Four Continents | sì dàzhōu 
 拉格斯 Lagos | lā gé sī 
 首都 Capital | shǒudū 
 虚拟货币 Virtual/Crypto Currency | xūnǐ huòbì 
 成熟 Mature | chéngshú 
 打造 Create | dǎzào 
 专门 Specialized | zhuānmén 
 新手 novice | xīnshǒu 
 熟练 Skilled | shúliàn 
 小贷 Microloan | xiǎo dài 
 小型银行 Small bank | xiǎoxíng yínháng 
 贷款 Loans | dàikuǎn 
 发达国家 Developed countries | fādá guójiā 
 发展中国家 Developing countries | fāzhǎn zhōng guójiā 
 有挑战性 Challenging | yǒu tiǎozhàn xìng 
 发展机会 Development Opportunities | fāzhǎn jīhuì 
 亚洲 Asia | yàzhōu 
 美洲 Americas | měizhōu 
 南美洲 South America | nán měizhōu 
 北美洲 North America | běi měizhōu 
 欧洲 Europe | ōuzhōu 
 拉丁美洲 Latin America | lādīng měizhōu 
 节奏感 Rhythm | jiézòu gǎn 
 打鼓 Drumming | dǎgǔ 
 跳舞 Dancing | tiàowǔ 
 不靠谱 unreliable | bù kào pǔ 
 三毛 San Mao (a Taiwanese Writer) | sān máo 
 撒哈拉沙漠 Sahara Desert | sǎhālā shāmò 
 借东西 Borrow something | jiè dōngxī 
 中餐厅 Chinese Restaurant | zhōng cāntīng 
 失望 Disappointment | shīwàng 
 马赛马拉 Masai Mara | mǎ sàimǎ lā 
 慢慢接触 Slow Contact | màn man jiēchù 
 咖啡厅 Café | kāfēi tīng 
 电影院 Cinemas | diànyǐngyuàn 
 生活质量 Quality of life | shēnghuó zhìliàng 
 有保证 Guaranteed | yǒu bǎozhèng 
 堵塞 Congestion | dǔsè 
 通勤 Commuting | tōngqín 
 高峰时间 Peak hours | gāofēng shíjiān 
 指数 Index | zhǐshù 
 堵车 Traffic Jam | dǔchē 
 机场 Airport | jīchǎng 
 订机票 Booking a flight | dìng jīpiào 
 很崩溃 Very crashed | hěn bēngkuì 
 烦躁 irritable | fánzào 
 燥热 Hot and dry | zàorè 
 譬如 for example | pìrú 
 喇叭 Horn | lǎbā 
 每分每秒 Every second | měi fēn měi miǎo 
 激烈 fierce | jīliè 
 吵架 Quarrel | chǎojià 
 头疼 headache | tóuténg 
 靠海 by the sea | kào hǎi 
 海边 coast | hǎibiān 
 地理优势 Geographical advantage | dìlǐ yōushì 
 沙滩 sandy beach | shātān 
 入场费 Entrance fee | rù chǎng fèi 
 不爽 unpleasant | bùshuǎng 
 划分 delineation | huàfēn 
 贫富差距 wealth gap | pín fù chājù 
 不舒服 uncomfortable | bú shūfú 
 区别对待 Differentiation | qūbié duìdài 
 西非 West Africa | xīfēi 
 东非 East Africa | dōngfēi 
 裙子 Dresses | qúnzi 
 首饰 Jewelry | shǒushì 
 颜色鲜艳 Bright colors | yánsè xiānyàn 
 随便 Casual | suíbiàn 
 买菜 grocery shopping | mǎi cài 
 紧身 Tight | jǐnshēn 
 曲线 Curvy | qūxiàn 
 蛮有特色 Quite distinctive | mán yǒu tèsè 
 辣椒 Chili | làjiāo 
 香料 spices | xiāngliào 
