Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Reiki 101 History and Online Training

BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour


Grandpa Bill today discusses my newest endeavor online Reiki 101 overview. Grandpa Bills asks:

Are You practicing Reiki?

Are you familiar with your Chakras?

Reiki +"Our sorrow and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion" – Buddha

There is a non physical ubiquitous energy that gives life to every living organism... For many thousands of years we have known of this energy and have sought to develop ways to harness its power to heal and influence our lives.

The Japanese call this energy Ki.

It is also known as Chi by the Chinese, Prana by a number of Asian cultures and the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost by most of the western world.

We carry this energy in and around our bodies from the moment we are conceived. Science has established its existence, and with the aid of Kirlian photography we are able to see this energy that encompasses all living things. Ancient Eastern cultures have harnessed and applied this energy for healing since before the birth of Jesus Christ.

Many successful disciplines such as Reiki, Tai Chi, Feng Shui, Meditation, Yoga and Acupuncture have been developed to control and greatly enhance the flow of this energy in and around the body. The energy itself is pure and has omniscient wisdom.

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