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🔴Monday January 24th 2022
🌏Espresso - The world in brief
每日濃縮 - 世界概況
1️⃣The Islamic State v. Kurdish-led forces: fighting over Syria
伊斯蘭國 vs. 庫德人部隊:在敘利亞開幹
Fierce fighting continued in north-eastern Syria between Islamic State gunmen and Kurdish-led forces. The battle started on Thursday after IS attacked a prison in Hasaka, attempting to free thousands of suspected militants…
伊斯蘭國 (Islamic State / IS) 的槍手們和庫德人 (Kurdish) 領導的部隊在敘利亞東北部持續激烈戰鬥。於週四 (1月20日),IS 襲擊了 (敘利亞境內) Hasaka 的一座監獄,並試圖釋放數千名疑似武裝份子…
2️⃣The Taliban’s first official trip to Europe: we need those billions of dollars
A delegation from the Taliban arrived in the Norwegian capital Oslo for three days of talks with Western officials and representatives of Afghanistan’s civil society. This is the Taliban’s first official trip to Europe since they swept to power last August…
塔利班代表團抵達挪威首都奧斯陸 (Oslo) 與西方官員們和阿富汗民間社會代表進行為期三天的會談。這是塔利班自去年八月上台以來首次正式出訪歐洲…
3️⃣Burkina Faso: endless coup attempts
Soldiers in the west African state of Burkina Faso mutinied at several barracks across the country. One general is reported to have presented a list of demands to the government, including more troops and better training to fight Islamist militants…
西非布吉納法索 (Burkina Faso) 的士兵們在全國多個兵營叛變。據報導,一名將軍向政府提出了一系列要求,包括增加部隊和更好的訓練來打擊伊斯蘭激進份子…
🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條
🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹Italy’s presidential election
On Monday more than 1,000 Italian politicians—all the national lawmakers, plus regional delegates—will start voting for a new president. The result will decide whether the prime minister, Mario Draghi, gets the job. That would scuttle his successful reforming government, in office for less than 12 months. On Saturday, Silvio Berlusconi, still active at the age of 85, withdrew from the race after failing to attract enough support. However, that does not mean Mr Draghi is a shoo-in. The right will now try to put up a more widely acceptable candidate than the very well-known but divisive Mr Berlusconi—one possibly more acceptable than Mr Draghi…
於週一 (1月24日),包含國會議員以及地區代表等超過一千名義大利政界人士將開始投票選出新總統。結果將決定 (現任) 總理 Mario Draghi 能否獲得總統寶座,但也意謂著他執政不到 12個月、成功改革的政府將無以為繼。於上週六 (1月22日),現年 85歲仍活躍政壇的 Silvio Berlusconi 在未能獲得足夠支持後退出了 (總統) 競選。然而,這並不表示 Mario Draghi 能十拿九穩。雖然 Silvio Berlusconi 的知名度高但卻無法整合內部,因此右翼現在將試圖推出一個更受各界歡迎,而且支持度可能比 Mario Draghi 還高的候選人…
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