#20 Rep's Story: Transitioning from being a foreign student in Taiwan to a global citizen, Camila Saenz, Founder of TUTEEMI



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As a Taiwanese, do you remember the times of just non-stop of memorizing and stuffing grammar rules and vocabs in our brain for exams? As a foreigner in Taiwan, do you ever feel like an outsider who loves Taiwan but struggle to truly fit in the local community? Today we have a GRL PWR Rep from Guatemala, who's experiencing both as a Chinese learner and an English teacher in Taiwan, which drives her to take initiatives to build a platform called TUTEEMI that brings locals and foreigners to bond and build relationships thru language learning. For more information about TUTEEMI can visit their website here: https://www.tuteemi.com/ or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tuteemi_/ Follow Camila's Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/camilasaenz_/ Read our show notes at https://www.grlpwrtalks.com/ Stay in touch with us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/grlpwrtalks/身在瓜地馬拉的Camila,因成功申請到台灣政府就學補助金,在台灣完成了她的大學和碩士學位,就學時身兼英文老師的Camila經歷過台灣英語補習班的文化後發覺那並不是她認同的教學方式,於是離開補習班開始自己接案做私人英文家教。結合了她過去作為英文老師的經歷和在校所學,以及她對台灣抱持感恩的心,促使她開始經營一個連結外國人與台灣人的平台TUTEEMI,希望能夠藉由語言學習的過程中,拉近外國人與台灣人之間的距離。趕快來聽聽Camila的女力故事吧!