Learner Talks E5 | 休假了!Vacation time!

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Today's special was recorded while we were on vacation in Kenya! Our special guest David and I got engaged two weeks ago (I proposed to David!) so this was a little honeymoon after the proposal. We have a lot of mutual friends in Nairobi, and then we also went to the seaside city of Watamu and the cabins in Mount Kenya. It was a very relaxing and very happy Easter holiday!

休假 Leave of Absence/ Vacation | Xiūjià 
 未婚夫 Fiancé | wèihūnfū 
 内罗毕 Nairobi | nèiluóbì 
 订婚 Engagement | dìnghūn 
 求婚 marriage proposal | qiúhūn 
 排队 line up | páiduì 
 唱歌 Singing | chànggē 
 一首歌 A song | yī shǒu gē 
 改变 Change | gǎibiàn 
 讲述 Tell | jiǎngshù 
 我们认识 We met | wǒmen rènshí 
 谈恋爱 Fall in love, data | tán liàn'ài 
 在一起 Being together | zài yīqǐ 
 庆祝 Celebrating | qìngzhù 
 惊喜 Surprise | jīngxǐ 
 打算 Intentions | dǎsuàn 
 复活节 Easter | fùhuó jié 
 共同朋友 Mutual friends | gòngtóng péngyǒu 
 凌晨 early morning | língchén 
 被拉出去 Pulled out | bèi lā chūqù 
 咖啡厅 Café | kāfēi tīng 
 远程工作 Remote work | yuǎnchéng gōngzuò 
 接风宴 reception dinner | jiēfēng yàn 
 德州扑克 Texas Hold'em | dézhōu pūkè 
 海边城市 City by the Sea | hǎibiān chéngshì 
 潮湿 Humidity | cháoshī 
 吃海鲜 Eat seafood | chī hǎixiān 
 漂流 Rafting | piāoliú 
 起点 Starting Point | qǐdiǎn 
 终点 Finish point | zhōngdiǎn 
 红树林 Mangroves | hóng shùlín 
 生态系统 Ecosystem | shēngtài xìtǒng 
 植物 Plants | zhíwù 
 救生圈 Lifebuoy | jiùshēngquān 
 充气 Inflatable | chōngqì 
 搞笑 funny | gǎoxiào 
 芭蕾 Ballet | bālěi 
 水上芭蕾 Water ballet | shuǐshàng bālěi 
 看日落 Watching the sunset | kàn rìluò 
 沙滩 Sandy beach | shātān 
 大草原 Savannah | dà cǎoyuán 
 狮子 Lions | shīzi 
 长颈鹿 Giraffe | chángjǐnglù 
 动物大迁徙 Animal Migration | dòngwù dà qiānxǐ 
 干燥 Dry | gānzào 
 赤道 Equator | chìdào 
 海拔 Altitude | hǎibá 
 凉爽 Cool | liángshuǎng 
 全年 Year-round | quán nián 
 马赛马拉 Masai Mara | mǎ sàimǎ lā 
 稀树草原 Savannah | xī shù cǎoyuán 
 休闲 Leisure | xiūxián 
 高科技 High Tech | gāo kējì 
 排毒 Detoxification | páidú 
 摄影师 Photographer | shèyǐng shī 
 巧合 Coincidence | qiǎohé 
 偶遇 Coincidental encounters | ǒuyù 
