2018年程珏如聲樂獨唱會 導聆
Henry Purcell(1659-1695) 亨利‧普賽爾
I attempt from love's sickness to fly from “the Indian Queen”〈我試圖從相思中飛離卻徒勞〉選自歌劇《印地安皇后》
I attempt from love’s sickness to fly in vain, 我試圖從相思中飛離卻徒勞,
Since I am myself my own fever and pain. 因為我自身即是我的病熱與苦痛。
No more now found heart 溫柔的心啊
with pride no more swell. 雖自傲卻不再自我膨脹
Thou canst not raise forces, Enough to rebel. 你無法有足夠的力量與之抗衡
For love has more pow’r and less mercy then fate, 因愛情較之命運
To make us sick ruin, 更有強勢卻更少憐憫驅使我們尋求毀滅並及於
And love those that hate. 憎恨者們
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