Coolest Coin Collectors Club,Gary Kass, Civil War+ Grandpa Bill
Grandpa Bill today asks
Are You a Military Veteran?
Do You Like Commemorative Coins?
Gary Kass, has shared with me his lectures: He's his words to me" I have never actually wrote an article on the information I just sent you Bill". "I had always used it in a presentation, that's what the numbers are for, the slides that I attached to you.". Please note my historical research follows not logical pattern as in the past, I just researched what interested me and then (Sometimes) presented it..
The Big projects were
1. Medicine in the Civil War
2. Civil War in general
3. 34th Division in WW2, (Africa and Italy), Most days in combat of any unit in the US Military EVER!
4. Korean War timeline
As I may have told you, vision loss means I no longer present and my focus now is only writing about GIs, mostly local.
Given what I offer, as well as my limitations; Don't know how much you want to pursue. While willing, I'm more into writing about GIs now. Anyway, here's the outline. and slides
Gary K.
more about what we will be discussing about Veterans/s and a little something I'm retweaking my advocacy program to assist our Veterans